Building Work

School premises were a hive of activity throuhgout the summer as major work took place on the school roof and necessary repairs took place inside the school building. The whole building was painted and decorated and gave the school a much needed facelift. We look forward to inviting all parents to our Open Afternoon on Thurs.10th Sept. to tour around the school and classes and to meet the staff team. Many thanks to Mrs.Chisholm who worked tirelessly throughout the summer to tend our wonderful school garden. We are all looking forward to a plentiful harvest thanks to her work and the work of classes throughout last session.
Mr.Redmond, our janitor, Mrs.Cunningham and Mrs. Innes (cleaning staff) were outstanding in preparing the school for the beginning of the school term. Their dedication and commitment to getting the job done was tremendous and really gives us a school to be proud of.
I am always reminding children on a regular basis that it is our school and everyone’s responsibility to make sure the school looks good at all times for the benefit of everyone. The recent facelift has made a huge difference and as a school community we aim to ensure our school learning environment is a building to be proud of.

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