Health Week Update

Our Health week is proving to be a resounding success with a wealth of visitors who have given the children much to talk about when they go home. Yesterday we had a visit from Frankie and Benny’s who worked with all classes across the school. We also had visits from Childline who delivered talks to Pr.6 and 7 pupils to alert them to the dangers of the internet and cyberbullying. Today our Pr.6 and 7 pupils received talks on alcohol awareness and Pr.1 – 3 received talks on dental hygiene. All stages enjoyed a challenging obstacle course that was set up in the hall on Monday and Thursday afternoon.
Tomorrow we look forward to welcoming Albion Rovers to work with our Pr.4 – 6 pupils. Coatbridge Action for Safe Play will work with Pr.1 -3 and our Pr.7 pupils will be in the hall for Bubble Football!!!
One of our parents, Mrs.Cassidy, carried on the good work of NL Development Officer, Dorothy Anne and worked with our Pr.2 pupils to cook their own Chicken Nugget Happy Healthy Meals. Once again, not a bit was left for Mrs.Docherty!
We look forward to posting a picture gallery to update you on all that has happened.
We would like to take the opportunity to thank parents who have given their time and came along to assist throughout the week. Your support has been greatly appreciated all week.

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