The general aim of this Unit is to provide learners with the opportunity to develop a range of movement and performance skills in physical activities. Learners will develop consistency in their control, fluency of movement and body and spatial awareness. They will also learn how to respond to and meet the physical demands of performance in a safe and effective way. A number of activities are offered such as trampoline, badminton, volleyball and basketball/football.
The purpose of this portfolio is to provide evidence of the process involved in performance development. It will assess the learner’s ability to integrate and apply knowledge, understanding and skills from across the Units. Evidence will be collated by the pupil (with support from the teacher) on an ongoing basis during the year.
Pupils who complete this unit will be able to:
Understand the factors that impact on performance
Plan, develop and implement approaches to enhance personal performance
Monitor, record and evaluate performance development
Pupils will be assessed in two activities each worth 30 marks towards their overall grade.
The written element, the portfolio, is worth 60 marks.
National 5 Dance
National 5 Synopsis
The National 5 Dance course enables the pupil to develop a range of dance and choreographic skills. Through practical pupils learn to develop and reflect on technical and creative skills. They gain an understanding of the origins of dance and the impact of theatre arts. Pupils will learn to;
- demonstrate and apply knowledge and understanding of dance
- develop a range of technical dance skills
- develop performance skills to enhance performance
- develop knowledge, understanding and appreciation of dance practice
- understand and apply knowledge of a range of choreographic skills to create a dance
- evaluate their own work and the work of others
- consider how theatre arts can enhance a performance
- apply the principles of safe dance practice
Within the course, pupils will be assessed internally and, if successful, will continue towards preparing for the external exams.