St.Ambrose High School

North Lanarkshire Council

Our Patron Saint


Who is Saint Ambrose?

St.Ambrose was born in 339 A.D. and is the patron saint of our school. He was one of the best-loved Bishops in the Christian church. At first he was a lawyer and was famous for his debating skills. Around 374 A.D. there were a great deal of fighting among the people of Milan. The story goes that there was an assembly to decide the next bishop, Ambrose appealed for peace among the people and he was chosen. He was made a bishop in 374 A.D. He died on April 14th, 379, aged about 57 years old. He is the patron saint of Milan, beekeepers and domestic animals. This is why the bees appear on our school badge.

A Special Day in our School – The Feast of Saint Ambrose – 7th of December.

On this day the Bishop comes along with other clergy to celebrate mass.


Easter term is a very busy time for the school. One of the busiest departments is the R.E department. At this time pupils and teachers donate money to Lenten charities such as SCIAF (Scottish Catholic International Aid Fund) and many other charities connected with the school. Pupils take part in events such as sponsored silences and ‘Bring and Buy’ sales to raise money for charities. Pupils are asked to bring in items that can be given to children who are less fortunate in poorer countries. The start of the charity events begins on Ash Wednesday. This is when the whole school is gathered together to receive ashes on their forehead as a sign of repentance. Every morning during Lent, mass is celebrated before school led by our chaplain.

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