St.Ambrose High School

North Lanarkshire Council


It is a truism that effective learning cannot take place without appropriate behaviour on the part of pupils. The School Code of Conduct puts emphasis on the encouragement of self discipline, and provides guidelines which are intended to assist in the creation of a safe and orderly learning environment in which pupils can fulfil their potential.

If, however, pupils show by their actions that they reject any of the conditions necessary for this environment, then the school has a clear responsibility to take appropriate action to discourage such behaviour. Classroom indiscipline will normally be dealt with at the time by the subject teacher employing the usual range of sanctions – warnings, changing seats, written exercises, etc. If such means are ineffective, or the misbehaviour is sufficiently serious, the class teacher will call on the assistance of the Principal Teacher who may increase punishments, remove pupil to another class, write to parents etc. Often at this stage a pupil’s Pupil Support Teacher will be involved and a survey may be carried out to ascertain if there is a pattern of misbehaviour in other departments. If a pupil’s conduct is a matter of general concern the Pupil Support Staff will normally contact the home to secure the co-operation and help of parents.

If misbehaviour continues the pupil will be referred to the appropriate Year Head who may ask the parent to come to the school for further discussion and/or impose a more serious penalty. In some circumstances there may be a referral to another agency e.g. Psychological Services. When all such measures have been tried, or where the offence is serious e.g. violence, vandalism, the matter will be referred to the Depute Head Teacher or Head Teacher. In the last resort a decision may be taken to exclude a pupil from the school. The parent(s) will then be asked to attend an interview and to provide a written assurance that the pupil will comply with normal school requirements. Further periods of exclusion can be imposed leading in some cases to referral to the Director of Education. A record will be kept of all referrals. Information will be given to parents about their right to appeal against decisions to exclude.

Indiscipline outwith the classroom will normally be dealt with by whichever members of staff are available. Any referrals resulting from staff intervention in such ircumstances will be processed in the usual way.
The school takes a serious view of all matters which act as barriers to learning. Where incidents of indiscipline, including bullying, affect learning and teaching then Pupil Support Staff and/or members of Senior Management may become involved.

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