What we think about Kilbowie

Still having some difficulties transferring photos but we thought you would like to hear what we think about Kilbowie. Leon, Marc, Eilidh, Callum and Lauren gave their thoughts as they came off the ski slope. Press the play buttons to listen to the recordings.

Kilbowie Fun

We are all tired after our first day at Kilbowie, we will be sleeping soon 🙂 The wifi is intermittent so I will post photos as soon as I can.

Enterprise Committee

The Enterprise Committee are organising an Easter Egg Colouring Competition to raise money for charity during Lent.  This will take take place week beginning 21st March and prizes will be awarded on 1st April.  A 2op donation is required if children wish to take part.  Thank you.  

Lenten Charities

Date Event Class Friday 19th February Dress Down Whole School Friday 19th February Cake and Candy P6/7 Tuesday 22nd February Easter Egg Hunt Assessment Class, P1aLCSC Friday 26th February Crazy Hair Day Whole School Thursday 3rd March World Book Day P1, P1/2 Thursday 3rd March Karaoke P3, P3 LCSC Friday 4th March Silly Sock Day Whole School Friday 4th March 1K Sponsored Run P6 Friday 11th March Wear a Rainbow

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P6/7 Cake and Candy Sale

As part of raising money for our Lenten charities, P6/7 will be holding a cake and candy sale on Friday 19th February.  Any donations of cakes, biscuits etc would be gratefully received.  Donations can be brought in prior to Friday but any fresh items should be brought in on Friday morning.  All classes will be invited along to purchase any cakes or biscuits on this day.  Thank you for your

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P6/7 Kilbowie

The P7s from P6/7 are getting very excited about going to Kilbowie on the 22nd February.  The P6s are getting quite jealous because they will need to stay in school and do their work! The P6s will have their opportunity to go to Kilbowie next year but I’m sure they will hear all about it when the P7s return.

P6/7 Drama

P6/7 were very enthusiastic in their drama lesson yesterday where they had to use facial expressions to convey feelings.  Other children in the class had to identify which feeling was being expressed.  It was very competitive between the children and we all had lots of fun.  I enjoyed taking part myself!

P6/7 Fact Files

P6/7 have been working really hard in class and are working on their non fiction fact files on Brazil and the Amazon.  The children have to produce a front cover, contents page, pages with different facts and illustrations and a reference page.  We are looking forward to showing off our final products.