What’s on week beginning 30th November 2015

Gillian will return this week on a phased return

Monday 30th November

Lynn and Nicola will be attending a Planning and Profiling event in Coatbridge

Christine, Susan and Lauren will be supporting in the early level playroom this morning .

Liz will be supporting in the early level playroom this afternoon.

Tuesday 1st December

Jackie is on annual leave.

Jennifer and Liz will be supporting in the early level playroom today.

Wednesday 2nd December

Jackie is on annual leave.

Jennifer and Liz will be supporting in the early level playroom today.

Hazel Connaghan  pre five learning support teacher will be in the Sunshine Room today.

Yvonne Quigg pre five learning support teacher will be in the early level playroom today.

Thursday 3rd December

Lynn will be out the centre today delivering the Solihull Approach to colleagues within NLC.

Nicola will be undertaking Understanding your child’s behaviour, Solihull parenting programme today.

Jennifer and Liz will be supporting in the early level playroom today.

Gemma Kelly speech and language therapist will be in the centre today.

Siobhan will be taking a small group of children to visit the residents at Rosehall Care Home.

Friday 4th December

Jackie and Nicola are on annual leave today.

Lauren, Christine and Susan will be supporting the early level children today.

Amanda will be supporting the early level playroom this afternoon.




Sponsored Sing a long

” Thanks to everyone who helped their child to learn the words for the recent sponsored sing a long held last week.”

Could we remind all parents/carers that any donations raised be returned to Nancy who will be in the reception area on Monday 23rd and Tuesday 24th November at 8.40 am, 11.40 am, 1 pm and 3.50 pm.  As all money requires to be banked on Tuesday before we can go out and purchase Christmas for the children on Friday. 

Those who are in the Birth to Three provision can take your sponsor donations direct to Nancy in the admin office.

Scottish Book Week

Children in the birth to three are celebrating Scottish Week through learning some Scottish songs, rhymes and by exploring the following books :


Katie’s Ferm – a hide and seek book for wee folk

written by James Robertson and Matthew Fitt



Katie’s Moose – A keek-a-boo book for wee folk

Written by James Robertson and Matthew Fitt

Here are the words to songs and rhymes which the children will be hearing and singing over the week. maybe you could have great fun learning them along with your children.

Ye canny shove yer Grannie

Ye canny shove yer grannie aff a bus

Naw ye canny shove yer grannie aff a bus

Naw ye canny shove yer grannie

Cause she’s yer mammies mammie

Ye canny shove yer grannie aff a bus

Ye can shove yer other grannie aff a bus

push push

Ye can shove yer other grannie aff a bus

push push

ye can shove yer other grannie

cause she’s yer daddies mammie

shove yer other grannie aff a bus

push push

Donald where’s yer troosers?

Just got in fae the isle of Skye

I’m no very big and i’m awfully shy

The lassies shout when i go by

Donald where’s yer troosers?

Let the winds blow high,

let the winds blow low,

doon the street in ma kilt i go

all the lassies shout hello

Donald where’s your troosers?

Clapa clapa handies

Clapa clapa handies,

dadies comin hame,

sweeties in his pockets

for a good wee wean

Wee Wullie Winkie

Wee Wulie Winkie runs through the town,

upstairs and downstairs in his nightgown,

Tapping at the window and crying through the lock,

are all the children in their beds,

its past eight o’clock.

Dan Dan the funny wee man

Dan Dan the funny wee man

washed his face in the frying pan

combed his hair wae the leg of a chair

Dan Dan the funny wee man.

You can also watch videos of songs and rhymes on, www.scottishbooktrust.com/bookbug.

What is on week beginning the 23rd November 2015

Gillian remains on sick leave, therefore Emma shall continue to support the Bumblebee Welcome Group.

Jennifer and Liz will be supporting in the early level playroom all week.

Lynn will be in the early level playroom this week.

This week is Book Week Scotland, where the children will be involved in a number of experiences and opportunities to celebrate this event.

Monday 23rd November 

Nancy will be in the reception area at the beginning and end of each session to collect any donations from last weeks sponsor Sing a long.

Siobhan is on annual leave today.

Christine, Susan and Lauren will be supporting in the early level playroom this morning.

Tuesday 24th November

Jackie is on annual leave until Friday.

Wednesday 25th November 

Yvonne Quigg, Pre five learning support teacher will be in the early level playroom today.

Thursday 26th November

Siobhan will be taking a group of morning children to visit Rosehall Care Home, to share their favourite stories.

Gemma Kelly, speech and language therapist will be in the nursery all day.

Christine, Susan, Lauren and Amanda will be supporting in the early level playroom this afternoon.

Friday 27th November

A couple of practitioners will be out today purchasing some of the children’s Christmas gifts.

Lynn will be out of the centre today at the local Area Heads of Establishment meeting.




What’s on week beginning 16th November 2015

Gillian is on sick leave all week, therefore Emma will continue to support the Bumblebee welcome group.

Jennifer and Liz will be supporting in the early level playroom all week.

Monday 16th November

In-service Day – No nursery provision.

Tuesday 17th November

Lynn will be taking part in the Early Lerning Refresh in the morning

Jackie is delivering Play on Pedals training in the afternoon to colleagues with North Lanarkshire Council.

Wednesday 18th November

Pre five learning support teacher Yvonne Quigg will be in the early level playroom today.

Lynn will be attending the Nurture Conference Planning event at the Civic Centre, Motherwell in the morning

Thursday 19th November

Siobhan is on Annual Leave

Christine, Susan and Amanda supporting within the Early Level Playroom

Lynn Delivering Solihull Training all day

Friday 20th November

Siobhan Annual Leave

Christine, Susan and Amanda supporting within the Early Level Playroom

Sponsored Sing-a-long

Infant Massage with Amanda in the Sunshine Room this afternoon.



Welcome to the Rainbow Room

Welcome to all the new children who have joined Susan and Christine in the Rainbow Room. We have all been very busy exploring our new environment as we get to know one another while having great fun.

 We have been using all of our senses to explore and investigate a variety of resources from gloop to bird whistles.

Here are some photographs of the children using there senses to investigate.

What we have been learning within the Early Level Playroom


The children have taking part opportunities to go walks in the local environment to stimulate their senses.  They have been listening out for different sounds, identifying smells and using their sense of touch to explore.

Using a blindfold to restrict their sense of sight, the children have been developing their sense of touch, smell and taste as they participated in a fruit tasting activity. By feeling and touching a variety of textures, the children have been using descriptive language to talk about what they could taste, feel and smell.

The children have also had opportunities to develop their understanding of how their senses can support their learning within baking and cooking experiences while they were, tasting, smelling, touching and preparing the foods . This has also allowed  the children to develop their understanding of numbers and understand that they represent quantities when counting out the ingredients. The little chefs have been making a variety of foods such as pizza, macaroni cheese, healthy hearty soups, cookies, biscuits and even turned their hands to milkshakes, fruit smoothies and hot chocolate.

Children have also been exploring the workbench and building blocks area, where they have shown a keen interest in making towers and castles. The children have been using mathematical language, “the last number I have counted..” and are developing their understanding that numbers represent quantities when counting out how many blocks they will need to make their castles.

The children used a range of different senses whilst exploring with the play dough, gloop and marbling ink. The children added spices like ginger, cinnamon and chocolate powder to the play dough to stimulate their sense of smell correctly identifying the different spices etc. within the play dough, informing the practitioner  “it smells like chocolate” .  They also explored their sense of touch as they described the play dough being “soft”. The children also used descriptive language to described the gloop as being “slimy”.  The children also used their sense of sight asthey described the paint as “bright and colourful”.

Forest School

The children, both morning and afternoon, have completed a five week block of Forest School sessions with a Family Learning session ending the block. The children have been learning skills for life within these outdoor learning sessions. These skills include fishing, tree identification, bug hunting and den building just to name a few experiences that were on offer. Due to the winter weather fast approaching Forest School will recommence nearer February 2016 when a new group of children will be invited to participate in Forest School sessions.

Both Nicola and Susan would like to thank both the children, parents and grandparents who participated in the  day to day organising of their children and for participating in the family learning sessions.