Revised Ravenswood DREAM
During SHANARRI Squad the whole school worked together to make adaptations to the Ravenswood DREAM. We use the DREAM daily. Our whole school are accountable and held to the same agreed standards. Well done Dream Team!
Important Temporary Relocation Letter
Please see attached the latest communication shared by NLC 12.2.25.
R&SM parentcarer Letter 12.02.25
School Closure 24.1.25 – ADVERSE WEATHER
Please see the below website detailing school closures across NLC due to the adverse weather predicted. Please see the “classes” page of the school website or class Teams pages for any home learning.
Important RAAC Letter
Please see attached the latest information shared by NLC 27th November 2024.
Parents Ravenswood Primary 27.11.24 (003)
Attendance Matters
Please see attached important information from NLC regarding school attendance.
Greenfaulds High P7 Letter
Please see attached a letter from the Gaelic department at Greenfaulds High.
Greenfaulds Gaelic Learners Letter to Parents Jan 25
Nurture Newsletter
Please find the latest Nurture Newsletter below to explore all of our nurturing approaches in Ravenswood.
Health and Wellbeing Intervention Information
Your child might be participating in a Health and Wellbeing Intervention this term, such as, Drawing and Talking, Nurture, Seasons for Growth, Talking Mats or We Eat Elephants. For further information on each of the fabulous interventions we offer at Ravenswood, please refer to the parent information leaflets below:
Drawing and Talking at Ravenswood Info Leaflet-Updated
Seasons for Growth Parent Information
Talking Mats- parent information
We Eat Elephants Parent Information
High School Health and Wellbeing Information
Please use the following link to access Greenfaulds High School’s Padlet, filled with Health and Wellbeing information: