P6 practised their keyboard skills this week. We used a keyboard from Garageband on the iPads. We learned how to play ‘Mary Had a Little Lamb’ and had lots of fun letting the rest of the class hear us play.
A group of P6 children braved the elements today to improve our school grounds. Along with Carrick and Miss Hawthorn, 8 boys and girls earned their place as today’s planting team. Unfortunately the weather decided to give us a hand to water the plants. We made a good start taking wheelbarrow loads of soil and compost to the school playground to fill our new, enormous planters. Carrick brought a number of different plants and trees that will really help to add colour and life to our school grounds. Thank you Carrick!
Don’t let the weather dampen your spirits P6, we will be out again soon to finish off the job!
Our school cookery room was full of life today and P6 enjoyed learning how to be creative Italian style. We learned the ‘bridge’ and ‘claw’ cutting technique as we chopped peppers, courgettes, onions and feta cheese. Many learners had never tasted couscous or worked with fresh herbs such as basil before. It was great to see everyone work cooperatively to create such a delicious meal. I hope the takeaway treats for learners to use at home were used and enjoyed by all.
Today P6 were encouraged to think about different families. Miss Hawthorn started off the discussions by explaining about her own family. Many children felt happy to describe their own family to the class and it was wonderful to hear about the many different families experienced in P6 and yet all in a very loving home. All learners approached this lesson with maturity and confidence, Miss Hawthorn cannot wait to see our discussion represented in our patchwork class quilt.
Primary 6 have been continuing their BIG Maths learning. Every week Miss Hawthorn can see positive improvements with all learners whether it be with attitude, confidence or final results. This week has been no different. Heads down, time to begin!
It was fun learning about chance and probability. P6 are becoming more and more confident learning about the language used to describe odds. This week we enjoyed a horse race together. Every learner predicted their winner and explained why to the class. Then there was nothing left to do other than start the race! Ready…..set….GO!
It was great to enjoy more outdoor learning with P6 and Carrick. Carrick has spent an incredible amount of time creating a wonderful entrance to our school building and a space that encourages wildlife in and around our school. P6 class members planted two different types on sunflowers to climb high above the new blue fence and some gorgeous smelling sweet peas too.
Of course now that P6 have spent so much time investigating outdoors, especially minibeasts, they could not help but take a closer look at some worms, spiders and insects in their natural habitat.
Today children from P6 accompanied Miss Hawthorn to the local marsh to study the difference between our tank eco system in school and the natural pond life at the marsh. The team consisted of some very hard working children who earned their place on the excursion. Before we left we had a closer look at the tadpoles in our tank. So far all have hatched through the plasma and are actively swimming and growing each day. It was a very different story at the marsh. P6 discussed why this is the case and were surprised that the temperature, light exposure and habitat can have such a great impact on the speed of tadpole development. We missed having Carrick at the marsh to explain some of the amazing creatures that we found however we had lots of fun investigating the pond life. We even caught a toad!
We brought back a few samples to show others in the school. It was a great afternoon to be out and about enhancing our learning experiences within the community. It was also lovely to see younger pupils in our school get so enthusiastic and excited to see what we had returned with. Super job P6 for not only using your new knowledge to identify life at the marsh but also for inspiring others in our school to go and have a look.
It has been amazing to see P6 using many maths skills to have a better understanding of fractions. This week we have been understanding equivalent fractions. We now know how to calculate equivalent fractions successfully and how to display these in written, numerical and pictorial representations. We now understand the importance of knowing the times tables as this knowledge is vital when simplifying fractions. Keep it up P6!
Primary 6 have working hard to understand fractions, decimals and percentages. This week we have been preparing for our first ever BIG Maths Beat That challenge! Today was the test day and the results were amazing. We enjoyed the jingles and were ready to focus and stay on task. Hopefully all learners can beat their score or time when we have our next test. Congratulations P6!