Category Archives: Primary 4

Charitable Classes

Every year our school aims to support a mixture of Local, National and International charities. This was a very popular choice from our initial home learning grid. Thank you to everyone who discussed different charities at home for our classes to consider.

Mrs Simpson collated all of the choices and made a super handy leaflet with all of the chosen charities for the year. It’s going to be fun seeing what every class comes up with to raise funds to send. We will keep you posted nearer to the time.

Click on the link below for a digital copy of the letter.

Charity notice

Welcome to Ravenswood

It has been a very busy start to Session 2017-18 and we are delighted to see everyone back looking happy and healthy.

To keep you posted with our latest news have a look at our first Newsletter of this school year. Click on the links below for a digital version of the Newsletter and Diary Dates so far.

AugSept 2017 PRINT

Diary Dates – Aug 2017

Rights Team Health Week Competition

Rights Team Health Week Competition

The Rights Team have planned a competition for Health Week beginning on Monday 22nd May:

Design a poster illustrating healthy lifestyles with a rights focus. For example illustrations could show:

Children have the right to clean water.

Children have the right to nutritious food.

Children have the right to the best health care possible.

Children have the right to rest and play.

Please write the article on the poster.

Rights team will collect and judge entries on Thursday 24th May.

Prizes are healthy treats and a rocket!

 Winners from P1-P3 and P4- P7.


Big Me Day in P4

P4 dressed up as what they would like to be when they grow up. We had accountants, makeup artists, footballers and more. We also learned about gender equality today. All of the teachers dressed up as professions that are male dominated. We agreed that you should be able to do the job you want regardless of your gender.

‘Animal Me’ in P4

P4 completed the ‘animal me’ quiz to find out what types of jobs would suit our individual strengths and skills. We had confident black bears, logical polar bears, trustworthy dolphins and more.

P4 Viking Oatcakes

P4 used a traditional Viking recipe to make oatcakes. We mixed flour, oats and vegetable oil together and then cooked them on a griddle. We then served the them with a drizzle of honey. Most of us liked the taste but some were not so sure.

P4 Longboat Figureheads

P4 learned about Viking longboats. We learned that they often had a figurehead at the front of them which was carved to look like a fierce sea monster to scare the enemy. We looked at different examples of figureheads and then sketched our own design using a pencil.

P4 Viking Rune Stones

P4 have been going Viking Crazy. We used clay to make our own rune stones and marked them with our initials using the Viking alphabet.