Category Archives: Primary 1/2

Active Literacy Workshop

We are hosting an Active Literacy Workshop on Wednesday 16th November at 9.30am and 6.30pm. This will be a fun filled, informative event where you can see our children working their socks off as they learn.

Two presentations will take place, an infant and upper school. You will e encouraged to visit the presentations and lessons that best suit your child’s needs. There will be lots of information about how you can help your child and some freebies from the ‘Read, Write, Count’ initiative for our infant learners.

If you would like to learn more about ‘Read, Write, Count’ have a look at their website by following the link below.


We hope that you can make it along.


Does primary 1/2 float your boat?

Before the holidays primary 1/2 did some science investigations looking at objects that float and sink. We enjoyed this so much we wanted to make some boats! Over the holidays we were set some special homework. Make a boat that floats!

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Today was the big launch! Take a look at all of our fantastic boats!

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Walking and Scooting with p1/2



The pupils at Ravenswood have started the new term off in super sporty style! We have all been walking a mile every day!  P1/2 decided to link this exercise with our information handling and record our laps using tally marks! We also like to use the school’s scooters to help us on our way!

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Scottish Book Trust

Ravenswood Primary took part in the Scottish Book Trust Children’s Book Awards.  The senior buddies shared 3 fantastic story books as part of our reading buddy time.  The infants thought long and hard about their favourite book and voted.

All of the votes were counted and the winner was announced.  Congratulations goes to…Mouses First Night At Moonlight School!

At the end, we all took home all 3 stories to keep and enjoy.  We love taking part in the Scottish Book Awards.  Have a look at our thank you certificate.

Book Award