Category Archives: Room 14

Persuasive Letter

Dear Mrs Hagerty,
How unfair is it that the pupils of this school are clearly despondent about the lack of playground equipment that we have been provided with? Therefore,I am writing to you to contribute towards this issue.
I would like to see a wide variety of equipment added to the playground .For example bench’s,climbing, frames,football goals,basketball hoops etc.My personal opinion is that the equipment that I have just mentioned would occupy a wide variety of pupil because there is something for everyone.
Many fights have occured in the past because there is nothing to occupy pupils.This is one of the benefits that buying more equipment would have on our school.As a result,buying more equipment would surely improve our social skills .It goes without saying that it will also benefit our fitness and health while having fun at the same time.
Finally I hope that you take this letter into consideration and take an act on this issue urgently.
Yours Sincerely
Joseph McPake

Persuasive Letter Playground Equipment

Dear Mrs Hagerty,

I am writing this letter to advise you about the lack of equipment in our playground.My personal opinion is that we need more playground resources.I think we should aquire some new shiny playground equipment for the juniors and seniors.I think new playground equipment will have a good effect on our fitness and our social skills.

I believe new playground equipment will stop arguments and fights.The reason I think this is because pupils would get less bored and frustrated.I consider this as a good idea.

The type of equipment that would benifit the playground would be football goals since a number of pupils play football and there would be fewer arguments if someone scored a goal.Also,more footballs would be welcome because again there would be less arguments over a ball.In addition monkey bars they would be fun and would build up our muscles.

In conclusion,I would appreciate it if my suggestions would be noted and I recommend that you headteacher would consider them seriously.


Yours sincerely

Aidan Savage

playground equipment

Dear Mrs Hagerty, The subject of playground equipment is cause for much debate between teachers, students, and parents. As a new head teacher I realise you have many plans to improve our school community and I am sure the whole school appreciates this bu I would like to offer to you the idea of the likelyhood of purchasing play ground equipment. I strongly belive this will benifit the school in many ways…

We all know childhood obesity is becoming more common. By buying equipment such as climbing frames and swings we could encourage pupils to exercise on a daily basis and would therefore become a regular part of the school day and stop students from wasting precious playground time standing around doing absalutely nothing. Not only will this improve our stamina but it wil improve our concentration in class.

In addition, there is aldo a social aspect to this investment as we all know football takes up a vast amount of the yard. This means that our playtime usually ends in fights . Having playground equipment would help  us to learn to take turns and socialize with one  another and end conflict between the two senior classes once and for all.

Finally, I know that this is a large investment but I truly belive it will be worthwhile, now and for years to come. Thank you for thaking the time to read my letter, I hope you take my ideas into consideration as it would benifit the school a great deal