Category Archives: Room 14

Curry Friday

The children in Room 13 had the chance to make a chicken curry from scratch today. They were able to experience new tastes and smells as they handled various spices, such as turmeric and garam masala.

Everyone had the chance to prepare the vegetables and spices and we all sat together as a class to eat our delicious curry. Some people like it so much that they had second helpings and many have taken a recipe sheet home with them. We’re looking forward to hearing tales of children cooking for their parents this weekend!

Are we Super Tasters?

Today we took part in a science experiment to find out whether we are non tasters, tasters or super tasters. We had to coat the front of our tongues in food colouring then count the number of papillae in one small section. These are the tiny lumps that cover our tongues. Those of us who have five or fewer in the small area are non tasters, if we have between six and ten we are tasters and if we have more than ten we are super tasters. We discovered that in Room 13, two of us are non tasters, ten are tasters and we have seven super tasters!