Category Archives: Uncategorized

Monday 1st June 2020

Good morning P7.  Hope you all had a lovely weekend and that you managed to enjoy some sunshine.  Well done to the winner of our Sumdog competition.  I will announce this on Teams later and be in touch to get an address to send your prize to you! But well done to all the people who participated in this competition.  As a class you answered a whopping 8823 questions! 👏👏👏

PE with Joe
30 minute workout live on YouTube at 9am (you can do this later than 9 am if it suits you better as the video is available on YouTube after the live broadcast).

Your literacy/English work for this week focuses on the setting(s) in your novel.  If you are reading something of your own choice at the moment which you are enjoying, and you would like to use that for your task instead of the class novel you were given in Term 3, that’s fine with me. There are 5 tasks for you to complete this week, so you may choose to complete 1 each day, or do them all today, it’s up to you.  As you prepare for your secondary education, it is useful to practise prioritising your own workload which means looking at what needs to be done and deciding how you’re going to split up the tasks to ensure you get them completed.  This document can be printed to enable you to do it on the sheet, or alternatively you could type your answers onto a blank word document or just write it in your jotter/notebook.  Don’t forget to spend some time this week reading your novel too. It is important as it builds your reading stamina which is the length of time you can read without losing concentration.  The greater your reading stamina, the longer you can read and the more enjoyment you will gain from reading.  This is because it gives you a chance to really get ‘into’ the book.

Converting fractions into percentages.  This lesson includes two videos, two interactive activities and one worksheet.

If you didn’t get round to it last week, have a go at this virtual escape room today too. You have to calculate a maths problem which gives you the password to enter the next room and navigate your way around all the high school departments to escape.

Learn about life in Anglo-Saxon Britain. This lesson includes three videos exploring what life was like in Anglo Saxon times and two activities to build historical knowledge and understanding.

Watch today’s Newsround bulletin and comment on our team to let me know one thing you have learned or found interesting.

Spelling Words for this week

If you wish to do some spelling activities this week, here are your words. Choose an active spelling strategy from this grid:


or from your homework menu that we normally use. Or think up an idea of your own.  Spell them out in daisies or stones in your garden, write them using pasta shapes, etc.

Question Marks
Common Words


Full Stops
-ian, -ion


St Andrew’s Hospice Week

1st – 7th June 2020
Did you know that St. Andrew’s Hospice need £88,000 per week to operate?

Ladywell Primary have taken on the challenge of supporting our local hospice by hosting a:

Wear Yellow Week
Soak the Teacher Challenge.

We understand that not everyone will be in a position to donate at the moment, however, please know that St. Andrew’s Hospice, the patients and their families appreciate all that you do, whether that is raising awareness through participating in a challenge or making a donation.


Friday 29th May 2020

PE with Joe
30 minute workout live on YouTube at 9am (you can do this later than 9 am if it suits you better as the video is available on YouTube after the live broadcast).

Your Literacy/English work for this week is a detailed Character Study of the main character(s) in your novel.  If you are reading something of your own choice at the moment which you are enjoying, and you would like to study a character from that instead of the class novel you were given in Term 3, that’s fine with me. There are 8 short characterisation tasks for you to complete this week and it’s a four day week, so you may choose to complete 2 each day, or do them all today, it’s up to you.  As you prepare for your secondary education, it is useful to practise prioritising your own workload which means looking at what needs to be done and deciding how you’re going to split up the tasks to ensure you get them completed.  This document can be printed to enable you to do it on the sheet, or alternatively you could type your answers onto a blank word document or just write it in your jotter/notebook.  Don’t forget to spend some time this week reading your novel too. It is important as it builds your reading stamina which is the length of time you can read without losing concentration.  The greater your reading stamina, the longer you can read and the more enjoyment you will gain from reading.  This is because it gives you a chance to really get ‘into’ the book.


For this week’s maths, I have set a competition for you on Sumdog.  It starts at 9am today (Tuesday) and finishes at 8pm on Sunday 31st May.  The person who comes first will receive a prize, which I will post to your house.  Good luck!


Learn about Tutankhamen the Egyptian Pharaoh.  This lesson has two short videos and two short activities to start you off.  If you’re interested in learning more about Ancient Egyptian Pharaohs, have a look at this PowerPoint presentation.

Thursday 28th May 2020

PE with Joe
30 minute workout live on YouTube at 9am (you can do this later than 9 am if it suits you better as the video is available on YouTube after the live broadcast).

Your Literacy/English work for this week is a detailed Character Study of the main character(s) in your novel.  If you are reading something of your own choice at the moment which you are enjoying, and you would like to study a character from that instead of the class novel you were given in Term 3, that’s fine with me. There are 8 short characterisation tasks for you to complete this week and it’s a four day week, so you may choose to complete 2 each day, or do them all today, it’s up to you.  As you prepare for your secondary education, it is useful to practise prioritising your own workload which means looking at what needs to be done and deciding how you’re going to split up the tasks to ensure you get them completed.  This document can be printed to enable you to do it on the sheet, or alternatively you could type your answers onto a blank word document or just write it in your jotter/notebook.  Don’t forget to spend some time this week reading your novel too. It is important as it builds your reading stamina which is the length of time you can read without losing concentration.  The greater your reading stamina, the longer you can read and the more enjoyment you will gain from reading.  This is because it gives you a chance to really get ‘into’ the book.


For this week’s maths, I have set a competition for you on Sumdog.  It starts at 9am today (Tuesday) and finishes at 8pm on Sunday 31st May.  The person who comes first will receive a prize, which I will post to your house.  Good luck!

Health and Wellbeing

First aid – Have a look at this lesson from the Red Cross about helping someone who is unresponsive and not breathing.  There are video clips and a quiz for you to see how much you have remembered.  We would normally be doing Heartstart around this time, and looking at CPR.  In school, we would have been practising on the resuscitation dolls and reminding you of the steps.  You learned how to do this at the Dalziel Health Fayre when the volunteer s from the St Andrew’s Ambulance service showed you resuscitation.  Can you remember what to do?

Wednesday 27th May 2020

PE with Joe
30 minute workout live on YouTube at 9am (you can do this later than 9 am if it suits you better as the video is available on YouTube after the live broadcast).

Your Literacy/English work for this week is a detailed Character Study of the main character(s) in your novel.  If you are reading something of your own choice at the moment which you are enjoying, and you would like to study a character from that instead of the class novel you were given in Term 3, that’s fine with me. There are 8 short characterisation tasks for you to complete this week and it’s a four day week, so you may choose to complete 2 each day, or do them all today, it’s up to you.  As you prepare for your secondary education, it is useful to practise prioritising your own workload which means looking at what needs to be done and deciding how you’re going to split up the tasks to ensure you get them completed.  This document can be printed to enable you to do it on the sheet, or alternatively you could type your answers onto a blank word document or just write it in your jotter/notebook.  Don’t forget to spend some time this week reading your novel too. It is important as it builds your reading stamina which is the length of time you can read without losing concentration.  The greater your reading stamina, the longer you can read and the more enjoyment you will gain from reading.  This is because it gives you a chance to really get ‘into’ the book.

For this week’s maths, I have set a competition for you on Sumdog.  It finishes at 8pm on Sunday 31st May.  The person who comes first will receive a prize, which I will post to your house.  Good luck!

Art: Extreme Close-Up
Get up close to nature.  Find something in your garden, at the park or out on a walk that you can draw.  You could even use a house plant. If your object is in danger of running/flying off, you may want to use a camera or smartphone to take a photo and draw it from the photo. Draw a sketch of it really close up.  Imagine your eye is a camera lens and really zoom in on your object and draw as much detail as you can.  Decide whether you want to use colour or not.  Post a photo of your picture on teams for others to see if they can guess what it is.

Tuesday 26th May 2020

PE with Joe
30 minute workout live on YouTube at 9am (you can do this later than 9 am if it suits you better as the video is available on YouTube after the live broadcast).

Your Literacy/English work for this week is a detailed Character Study of the main character(s) in your novel.  If you are reading something of your own choice at the moment which you are enjoying, and you would like to study a character from that instead of the class novel you were given in Term 3, that’s fine with me. There are 8 short characterisation tasks for you to complete this week and it’s a four day week, so you may choose to complete 2 each day, or do them all today, it’s up to you.  As you prepare for your secondary education, it is useful to practise prioritising your own workload which means looking at what needs to be done and deciding how you’re going to split up the tasks to ensure you get them completed.  This document can be printed to enable you to do it on the sheet, or alternatively you could type your answers onto a blank word document or just write it in your jotter/notebook.  Don’t forget to spend some time this week reading your novel too. It is important as it builds your reading stamina which is the length of time you can read without losing concentration.  The greater your reading stamina, the longer you can read and the more enjoyment you will gain from reading.  This is because it gives you a chance to really get ‘into’ the book.

For this week’s maths, I have set a competition for you on Sumdog.  It starts at 9am today (Tuesday) and finishes at 8pm on Sunday 31st May.  The person who comes first will receive a prize, which I will post to your house.  Good luck!

Have a go at this virtual escape room at some point this week too. You have to calculate a maths problem which gives you the password to enter the next room and navigate your way around all the high school departments to escape.

Health and Wellbeing
This week’s task on Transition to Secondary (week 3) can be found here.  As above, if you are unable to print it you can complete it on a blank word document or hand write it in a jotter or on paper.


Thursday 21st May 2020

Good morning P7.  Please remember that this weekend is a long holiday weekend, meaning that there is no school tomorrow or Monday.  So have a great weekend and I’ll see you back here on Tuesday.

PE with Joe
30 minute workout live on YouTube at 9am (you can do this later than 9 am if it suits you better as the video is available on YouTube after the live broadcast).

Here is a lesson about writing a thank you letter

Today is the last day of the Sumdog contest (it finishes at 8pm), so if you do any maths today, play Sumdog!
We still have 11 players involved. Keep going! Let’s climb up that leaderboard!

Here is a lesson about what makes a good computer game

This week’s Transition to Secondary work has been set as an assignment on Teams.    You will need a piece of paper for the last activity as it involves making a poster. Maybe once you’ve done that you could post a photo on teams so I can see how well you’ve done.

Outdoor Learning


The weather is a bit grim this morning but the forecast looks like it might brighten up a bit later, and today is outdoor classroom day, so try and get out for a while if you can.  This year its all about dressing up in nature, so you could make a daisy chain necklace, or a crown out of flowers.  Alternatively use sticks, stones and other things you can find to make a picture or write a message!

If you are lucky enough to get out for a walk in nature today, see how many of these things you can tick off your list!

  1. Animal Tracks
  2. Berries on bushes or trees
  3. Fruit from trees
  4. Nuts from trees
  5. Fallen leaves to determine types of trees in the area
  6. Moss on logs, rocks and in shady areas
  7. Local common snakes (wear long pants, boots and never disturb)
  8. Insects
  9. Arachnids (spiders)
  10. Animal homes, holes in the ground or obvious dens (don’t disturb, just observe)
  11. Natural or man made caves or dwellings
  12. Creek beds and rivers
  13. Different types of rocks and minerals
  14. Rock formations
  15. Wild flower species
  16. Trails from humans or animals
  17. Carcass or remains of animals
  18. Animal droppings
  19. Antlers from deer
  20. Various types of spiderwebs
  21. Wild turkeys
  22. Wild hogs
  23. Different species of birds
  24. Lizards
  25. Markings on trees from deer or bears
  26. Evidence of fire (from wildfire or humans building camp fires)
  27. Cocoons from moths
  28. Naturally growing mushrooms
  29. Butterfly chrysalis
  30. Ant hills
  31. Fossils
  32. Natural water springs
  33. Trash or litter you can pick up and dispose of properly
  34. Geocache locations (plan your nature walk around local GPS locations of Geocaches
  35. Tadpoles in rivers, creeks or pools of water
  36. Skin that has been shed from snakes
  37. Fallen branches or limbs that could be used to build shelter
  38. Different coloured leaves
  39. Algae on water or ponds
  40. Lily pads on water or ponds
  41. Fractal items like leaves, spider webs and similar
  42. Different types of soil along the way
  43. Beehives
  44. Bird nests
  45. Mistletoe (it is parasite in many trees)
  46. Fallen logs
  47. Off road vehicle tracks (look for dirt bike, 4 wheeler or other similar off road vehicle tracks)
  48. Naturally growing herbs
  49. Different types of grass and ground covering
  50. Different smells (wood, grass, animal droppings, flowers, mould)
  51. Different types of tree bark
  52. Trees that are easy to climb
  53. A rock with multiple colours
  54. New or baby trees around older existing trees (signs of healthy soil and a tree that is dropping seeds)
  55. Different types of seeds from trees and plant life
  56. Poison Ivy, Poison Oak, or Sumac (you want to avoid, but it is a great way to teach kids what they look like)
  57. Worms
  58. Animals or insects that camouflage themselves
  59. Count the different colors you see along the way
  60. Look for frogs
  61. Squirrels nests (where they hoard nuts, berries and other supplies)
  62. Natural compost (areas where leaves and such are rotting to create rich soil)
  63. Pine cones
  64. Something round
  65. Plants with thorns on them
  66. Walking sticks (the insect as well as the stick for use to steady yourself while exploring)
  67. Waterfalls
  68. Vines to pretend you are Tarzan on (only with adults permission and safety precautions)
  69. Quartz Crystals
  70. Money(people often litter or drop change that animals pick up and take back to their nests)
  71. Eggs (birds, snakes and lizards all lay eggs)
  72. Snails
  73. Red clay
  74. Feathers from birds
  75. Arrowheads or slate rocks that could be fashioned into arrowheads
  76. Arrows
  77. Ferns
  78. Remnants of shells used in hunting
  79. Blossoms or buds on a tree or bush
  80. A tree growing through something like another fallen tree, rock formation or similar
  81. Ladybugs
  82. String or twine gathered by birds or discarded by hikers
  83. Carvings on trees from other walkers or hikers
  84. Signs of infestations killing plants (dead trees, grass or areas that look like something has killed plant life
  85. Rocks that are bigger than you are
  86. Something that is soft and fuzzy
  87. Seashells (if near the ocean)
  88. Something straight and narrow
  89. Fish in ponds, rivers, creeks, lakes or tide pools
  90. Clover
  91. Mud puddles (to splash in and have fun)
  92. Grassy areas for picnics
  93. Caterpillar
  94. A leaf with holes in it from insects
  95. A super large leaf that could provide shelter
  96. Sand
  97. Broken glass (litter from other hikers)
  98. Weather balloons
  99. Wild onions
  100. Cactus

Have a good day!

Wednesday 20th May 2020

PE with Joe
30 minute workout live on YouTube at 9am (you can do this later than 9 am if it suits you better as the video is available on YouTube after the live broadcast).

Here is a lesson about preparing and drafting a letter.

Here is a lesson about dividing decimals by integers (whole numbers).
Don’t forget the Sumdog contest too.  We have 11 players now so we are in it! Our class is currently 153rd in North Lanarkshire.  Keep going! Let’s climb up that leaderboard!

Here is a lesson about magnets.

This week’s Transition to Secondary work has been set as an assignment on Teams.  You will be much more able to type in the boxes this time (apologies for any issues you may have experienced last week – we’re all learning here including me!)  You should be able to complete everything except the last task on the word document and submit it to me through teams.  You will need a piece of paper for the last activity as it involves making a poster. Maybe once you’ve done that you could post a photo on teams so I can see how well you’ve done.

Outdoor Learning
The weather forecast looks good for today, so if you have a safe outside space that you can use, try and spend some time outside playing, exercising or reading.

Have a good day!