
As promised, here are the answers to this week’s transition task.

Activity 1

  1. French
  2. English
  3. Social Studies
  4. Art & Design
  5. Science
  6. Guidance
  7. Mathematics
  8. Art & Design
  9. English

Activity 2

  1. 2.7
  2. Sports Hall 2
  3. 3.4
  4. 3.5
  5. 3.1
  6. 1.9
  7. 2.2
  8. 1.7
  9. 3.6

Activity 3

  1. 50 minutes
  2. 45 minutes
  3. 15 minutes
  4. Finish at 2.30pm/No Period 7
  5. Monday, Tuesday and Thursday = 7.Β  Wednesday and Friday = 6
  6. 14

Activity 4

  1. Own opinion and reason
  2. Thursday and Friday
  3. Own opinion and reason
  4. Own opinion and reason (maybe art as 3 might be third floor and 6 furthest classroom)

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