Monday 1st June 2020

Good morning P7.  Hope you all had a lovely weekend and that you managed to enjoy some sunshine.  Well done to the winner of our Sumdog competition.  I will announce this on Teams later and be in touch to get an address to send your prize to you! But well done to all the people who participated in this competition.  As a class you answered a whopping 8823 questions! 👏👏👏

PE with Joe
30 minute workout live on YouTube at 9am (you can do this later than 9 am if it suits you better as the video is available on YouTube after the live broadcast).

Your literacy/English work for this week focuses on the setting(s) in your novel.  If you are reading something of your own choice at the moment which you are enjoying, and you would like to use that for your task instead of the class novel you were given in Term 3, that’s fine with me. There are 5 tasks for you to complete this week, so you may choose to complete 1 each day, or do them all today, it’s up to you.  As you prepare for your secondary education, it is useful to practise prioritising your own workload which means looking at what needs to be done and deciding how you’re going to split up the tasks to ensure you get them completed.  This document can be printed to enable you to do it on the sheet, or alternatively you could type your answers onto a blank word document or just write it in your jotter/notebook.  Don’t forget to spend some time this week reading your novel too. It is important as it builds your reading stamina which is the length of time you can read without losing concentration.  The greater your reading stamina, the longer you can read and the more enjoyment you will gain from reading.  This is because it gives you a chance to really get ‘into’ the book.

Converting fractions into percentages.  This lesson includes two videos, two interactive activities and one worksheet.

If you didn’t get round to it last week, have a go at this virtual escape room today too. You have to calculate a maths problem which gives you the password to enter the next room and navigate your way around all the high school departments to escape.

Learn about life in Anglo-Saxon Britain. This lesson includes three videos exploring what life was like in Anglo Saxon times and two activities to build historical knowledge and understanding.

Watch today’s Newsround bulletin and comment on our team to let me know one thing you have learned or found interesting.

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