Orchard Primary & Nursery

Christmas Art in P5

December 16, 2016 by Mrs Weir | 0 comments

This week the children have made Christmas cards. Here is what some of the pupils had to say about it…

Drakeo – “They were fun”

James – “they were really fun to do”

Callum C – “I enjoyed making it”

Ellie – “I liked adding glitter to mine”

Amy – “it was festive”

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This gallery contains 6 photos

December 15, 2016
by User deactivated
1 Comment

Party time!

Mainstream and LCSC children joined up for their Christmas Party on Wednesday. They  were fantastic at social dancing and the modern dances and we had time for a few party games before the fire alarm stopped the party.

November 30, 2016
by Mrs Bowden

St. Andrew’s Day

Today, Mrs Bowden’s Wednesday club got together and had a wee Scottish celebration. The girls designed tartan clothes and had some shortbread and irn bru. A lovely time was had by all!

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