Orchard Primary & Nursery

School Improvement

The main priorities of improvement plan for session 2022-2023 are listed below.

In arriving at our improvement priorities, the school has taken account of North Lanarkshire’s Aspire priorities, an audit of year two of the current improvement plan and engagement with parents/carers and learners.

We also took account of current national expectations in respect of the National Improvement Framework.  In particular the four main National Improvement Framework priorities:

  1. Improvement in attainment, particularly in literacy and numeracy;
  2. Closing the attainment gap between the most and least disadvantaged children;
  3. Improvement in children and young people’s health and wellbeing; and
  4. Improvement in employability skills and sustained, positive school leaver destinations for all young people;

In order to deliver these priorities, we have paid particular attention to the following drivers of improvement.

  • School leadership
  • Teacher professionalism
  • Parental engagement
  • Assessment of children’s progress
  • School improvement
  • Performance information

When developing our School Improvement Plan, we considered the following questions

  • What action are we currently taking to ensure excellence and equity for all learners?
  • Which attainment gaps exist in our school?
  • What action do we need to take to close these gaps?
  • What data will we use to monitor progress?
  • How good are our children’s outcomes in these areas?
  • What further targeted interventions do we need to plan next year to improve outcomes for key groups of learners?
  • How good are we now? What do we need to improve further?
  • Which approaches to change will we use to ensure progress and impact with our key priorities?
Cluster Priority :
By June 2024 we aim to provide increased equity for all learners by ensuring wellbeing                                    needs are met and by closing the attainment gap in Numeracy & Mathematics.
Improvement Priority 1:
· By June 2024, we aim to improve attainment in numeracy, literacy & writing throughout the school.
Improvement Priority 2:
·By June 2024,  Nurture principles will be embedded,  family engagement opportunities, school clubs                  and pupil voice will support pupils attendance and attainment.
Nursery Class – Improvement Priority 3:
· By June 2024, we aim to develop family learning opportunities within the Nursery to                                                promote parental engagement and parental involvement in order to improve literacy                                          skills. To develop partnership work with stakeholders within the community to support                                            children to become responsible citizens
Pupil Equity Fund interventions and intended impact:
· Targeted progressive resources & Training – enable staff to plan and use a range                                            of alternative resources, which are matched to the experiences and outcomes of CfE,                                             and the needs of learners in deciles 1 & 2. These will ensure support to close the                                         identified attainment gap. Training will develop sustainability and capability within                                              the whole team.

· PTs – focus on interventions within numeracy and literacy for those gaps identified                                   through tracking. Supporting the learners both within the classroom environment and                                              in small groups. Modelling of support with staff will increase sustainability

· Digital technologies – to give all learners equal access to learning experiences and                                         the opportunity to achieve. From data this intervention will increase engagement and                         participation of those in SIMD 1-2

· Family Learning – to develop sustainable opportunities and partnerships with parents                       engaging them in their child’s learning within the school, increasing capacity to support at                             home and to participate in sports and wellbeing events.

· Sensory Curriculum – to increase engagement and participation particularly within                                  LCSC for those identified in SIMD 1&2 as needing a sensory approach to learning to develop                                   a sense of attainment.

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