Orchard Primary & Nursery

World of Work – Day 3


Thursday was one of our busiest days during World of Work Week. We began our day with speed interviews. Situated around the hall were 17 different professions and in pairs or trios we interviewed each of these professions. The questions were all prepared before the session and were questions which could’ve been asked to any profession, e.g. What exactly does your job involve? Why did you want to do this job?, etc.

All the professions commented on how well prepared the children were and what great questions they asked. This activity was thoroughly enjoyed by all children and visitors.

After break time, we had sessions with 2 different healthcare professionals. Anne, talked to each of the upper classes about her role as a midwife. She had lots of equipment to show us. We enjoyed having a try of the fetal Doppler and finding our own heartbeat/pulse.

Lesley also spoke to these classes about her role as a Radiographer. She used the light box to let us see different X-rays and broken bones. We learned some medical terminology for the names of different bones and had a bit of a quiz to see if we could identify the bones.

In the afternoon we had a session with our very own Mrs McMullan. We had no idea about the variety of roles she has had in her career. The most amazing roles were a dancer in a very famous Parisian club and a stunt woman! Will teaching be her final role??!!


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