P.2 were showing off their number skills when we went for a ride on the Number Bus. Each pupil was given a number, then they had to order themselves from 1-17 without using their mouths to communicate (this was harder for some than others). The children then had to listen to clues and do some calculations to work out when they should get off the bus. What great fun we had!
We used our fabulous Story Telling Chair to enjoy the sunshine and hear a story on Tuesday after PE. What a relaxing and tranquil place to work!
Today has been very busy in our class.
This morning, the children revised some spelling words and then practised making them using some of our Active Spelling resources: glitter letters, play dough, magnet boards, carpet tiles, chalkboards and linking letters.
And finally, this afternoon we made some beautiful artwork for our classroom windows. The children used laminating sheets and tissue paper to create bright and sunny pictures, they then watched the ‘magic’ as the sheets were fed through the laminator and came out transparent. I’m sure you’ll agree, the finished artwork is lovely with the sun shining through it.
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