OLGA Cathedral Primary School, Firpark Primary School and Clydeview Primary School are privileged to share the same campus. Our ‘Campus Connections’ programme provides regular opportunities for Cathedral, Firpark and Clydeview pupils to come together, build friendships and engage in meaningful learning activities.
We endeavour to ensure all Campus Connections activities are:
INCLUSIVE, allowing all Firpark, Cathedral and Clydeview learners to fully participate.
MEANINGFUL, providing authentic learning opportunities for pupils from all three establishments.
COLLABORATIVE, planned and led equally by class teachers from all three establishments.
MANAGEABLE & PROPORTIONATE, avoiding unnecessary workload for staff and protecting time for the children’s other learning.
SUSTAINABLE, able to take place on an annual basis.
Campus Connections activities planned for 2024/25 include:
- Firpark and Clydeview pupils joining Cathedral Primary for our Learning Showcases and Christmas concert
- Tours of each other’s school buildings
- A joint art project
- Beats of Brazil
- Bikeability
- A joint celebration of Mass
- Fund raising during Lent