As we continue to look ahead to our inspection from HMIe, which is likely to take place between now and the summer holidays, this week’s Friday Focus is on our Catholic ethos, which is central to the life and work of Cathedral Primary School.
Our Lady of Good Aid Cathedral Primary School has educated the children of the parish since 1895 and we are justifiably proud of our long history and rich heritage.
‘From the first moment that a student sets foot in a Catholic school, he or she ought to have the impression of entering a new environment, one illumined by the light of faith and having its own unique characteristics.’
(Vatican Congregation for Catholic Education)
As a Catholic school, faith is the bedrock of Cathedral Primary and permeates the school’s day-to-day activities and routines, no matter how ordinary or apparently ‘unspiritual’ these may be. We constantly strive to ensure Gospel values inform and underpin everything we do, for only in doing so can Cathedral Primary successfully fulfil its call to be an authentic Christian community where faith is not only taught and spoken about, but lived and experienced.
All teaching staff, both current and prospective, are required to subscribe to the Charter for Catholic Schools in Scotland and must be granted approval from the Diocese of Motherwell before taking up post in Cathedral Primary School.
Of course, Cathedral welcomes pupils and families of other faiths, and of no faith at all, and this diversity makes a valuable contribution to our school community.
Please take the opportunity to explore the various pages in the ‘Faith’ section of our website.