There was a great turnout for the first of our ‘Talk for Writing’ family learning workshops on Tuesday 23rd January. Mrs Tominey and Miss Cameron delivered a presentation on the ‘Talk for Writing’ approach and then several Primary 4 and Primary 7 pupils read some of their own compositions to demonstrate how they had used an original text to support their ideas and writing. The session finished with the opportunity for parents and carers to visit their child’s classroom to see ‘Talk for Writing’ techniques in action and enjoy reading the pieces in their child’s Taught Writing jotter.
Many thanks to Mrs Tominey and Miss Cameron for preparing and delivering the workshop and a special thanks to the six P4 and 7 pupils who helped bring the presentation to life.
This ‘Talk for Writing’ family learning session will be repeated for parents and carers of P3a, P3/4, P4b, P5/6, P7a and 7c pupils on Tuesday 30th January at 9.15am.