Cathedral pupils were recently asked via their Smart School Council class meeting how we can celebrate diversity across our school and campus. As always, the children came up with fantastic ideas and, on Tuesday 28th November, our twelve House Captains met with Mr Young and Mrs Duffy to collate these into common themes for our Smart School Council Action Board.
Our four Diversity projects are:
- Create a new welcome display at the school entrance which celebrates Cathedral’s diversity. This will include an ‘inspirational quote lucky dip’;
- Include a dedicated monthly ‘celebrating our diversity’ slot at assembly;
- Plan and hold a Diversity Day next term. This will also include the development and launch of a Cathedral cookbook;
- Use our class ‘showcase walls’ to highlight and celebrate Cathedral’s diversity. These will be ready for Parents Evening in March.
Mr Young would like to thank Cathedral learners from across the school for coming up with such great suggestions. The above four projects will be taken forward and actioned by our twelve House Captains over the coming weeks.