Old Monkland Primary School & Nursery Class


Home Learning – 18th May


Good morning Primary 5/6,

How are we all today? I hope you had a great weekend and are all well. I am very impressed with the hard work lots of you are doing. You are all doing so well and I know it can be hard to get your school work done at home sometimes.

Today we are launching Microsoft Teams to help you at home with your learning. Mr Henderson has posted information on how to access this through Glow. On our page, I have set up folders under the file tab which has all of the work I have previously posted through Glow. You will find our new Home Learning Grid and this week’s spelling tasks. I have created a quiz on Microsoft Teams focussing on Australia. I hope you like it!

Today I am going to create a folder for each of you that will allow you to upload any pictures or tasks. This will be in a folder called Class Work. Last week, Kara posted lots of great work and Aimiee posted pictures of scones she had made! Well done girls!

Home Learning Grid 18.05.20

Capital Letter Spelling 18th May

Full Stops Spelling 18th May

Commas Spelling 18th May

Question Mark Spelling 18th May

Question Mark – Phoneme Story ‘ue’

This week, I have set a new Maths competition on Sumdog focussing on Time and a Grammar check-up focussing on Adverbs and Pronouns. I have also added you to Sumdog’s North Lanarkshire Maths Contest where at least ten people from our class need to play to compete with other classes. This contest finishes on the 21st of May at 8pm.

On our new Home Learning Grid, there is a new website for reading called EPIC. This website lets you access over 40,000 books and has thousands of Read-to-Me books, Audiobooks, educational videos and fun quizzes. I have attached instructions below on how to access EPIC Reading. You will need our class code which is on our Grid and then you click your little character with your name. The book I have assigned you all is called “Exploring Countries: Australia”. You can all let me know what you think of this. If you have any problems let me know and I will try my best to help you!

EPIC Instructions 

Many of you managed to log on to Teams last week. Great job, it was great to chat to you! I love hearing from you as I am missing you all. If you have any problems logging into Teams or Glow please leave a comment below or send Miss McFadden or Mr Henderson an email and someone will get back to you as soon as possible.

Take care,

Miss Jones x


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