Look at what we have been doing in literacy!
Our Three Read story is called Meggie Moon, written by Elizabeth Baguley. The blurb states that it is a great book. Ask your child to tell you all about the adventures of Meggie and her friends.
This is how we have been singing Rock –a Bye-Baby during play.
During Show and Tell we had great fun watching the performance of 1, 2,3,4,5, Once I Caught a Fish Alive. We loved it thank you for bringing in your own character.
Literacy fun activity ideas to try at home.
Show your child their name and see if they can find their name when in a group of other words.
Can they find other letters which are the same as the ones in their name?
Some children may be able to build their name with letter cards or magnetic letters.
Your child may be recognizing logos, words and letters all around them, explore these with them, discussing what you see.
If your child shows an interest in a letter, for example the first letter in their name, tell them the name of the letter e.g. that is the letter S, it makes the sound sssss.
You could see if you can find other words which start with the same letter.
Meggie Moon has become a favourite in our house since Rudy came home telling us all about it from the 3 reads. Great to see the kids all enjoying the story
Some great ideas to try out at home!