Eco Week – Part 2

A little update to let you all know what we have been doing during the rest of our Eco week… Sports Day – We went outside to enjoy the beautiful weather to keep ourselves healthy. We all took part in a variety of events such as: hurdles, running, long jump, bowls amongst others. We enjoyed working hard and were very tired by the end! Quiz – P3 – 7 worked

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Eco Week

We are currently in the midst of a very exciting Eco week, a full week dedicated to Eco, Health and Fairtrade. The whole school has been involved in a variety of exciting activities. We started our week with a lot of our classes braving the weather to upgrade our playground. P3 and P4 worked together to carry out some weeding and planted some very kind donations from parents and ASDA.

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Muirhouse Primary Choir

This week we were very grateful and honoured to be invited to sing alongside the Glasgow Philharmonic Male Choir. We got a bus and travelled over to the City Halls in Glasgow. After our sound checks our choir performed alongside the professional singers. We thoroughly enjoyed our evening and the guests have commented on how great we sounded. A video of our full performance will be uploaded soon.  

Kilbowie: Day 5

Our final day!! The music woke us up at 7.30am and we had just enough time to strip our beds and finish packing. After breakfast we tried to watch all our photos from the trip but unfortunately didn’t work. Mr Lumsden has all the pictures from our trip and we are very excited to see them all back at school. We were very sad to leave Kilbowie but very excited

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Kilbowie: Day 4

It was our final day of activities today and everyone was very excited. It was the turn of Miss Napier and different groups to head down to the gorges, we all got to jump from a waterfall before enjoying some hot blackcurrant and the famous Kilbowie energy bars. We all left soaking wet but with a massive smile on our face. As the weather was still very nice some of

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Kilbowie: Day 3

We are having a great time in Kilbowie! As the weather has continued to be so nice a lot of our activities were changed to allow us to make full use of the incredible activities around the centre. We have had a lot of fun on the skiing today with a number of groups out on the dry ski slopes. After falling over a few times we all managed to

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Kilbowie: Day 2

We have had a very exciting day two in Kilbowie. With the weather being so sunny and warm many of us took to the water to try new exciting sports. We had more than one group out canoeing to the island across from the centre, some people even managed to kayak across (which took a lot of concentration and balance) and some groups went gorge walking. It seems that gorge

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Kilbowie: Day 1

Well we are all rested from our first day at Kilbowie. What an eventful day it was! We had a wonderful trip up to Kilbowie with a very friendly bus driver who showed us some of the sights as we passed and we managed to make it with no sickness! You might not believe it but all of us managed our bags up to our rooms, although it was a

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Christmas Fayre 2014

Muirhouse Primary hosted the annual Christmas Fayre on Friday 28th November. The Parent Fundraisers have been working hard for months organising this fantastic event. We had cake stalls, raffles, tombola, craft stalls and lots more! Santa even made a very special appearance with all the children having the chance to meet him, get a picture taken and Santa even gave them a little early treat! A huge thank you to

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