Mrs. Baxter and Mrs. Gribben's P6 Homework Page

Just another – North Lanarkshire site

February 1, 2021
by gw10gribbenlynn@glow

Maths for Tuesday

As I mentioned yesterday, there will be a number of opportunities this week for you to think about the Chinese New Year, the maths starter today will be on this theme. This will be an opportunity to practise your multiplication & division.

Chinese New Year Code Breaker

The second element to maths today will be Money based. Last week you were multiplying & dividing sums of money, today subtracting.

Subtraction of Amounts of Money

I’ll post the answers to both of these activities at the end of the day, this will let you self-assess and please remember to let me know how you got on.

February 1, 2021
by gw10gribbenlynn@glow

Topic for Tuesday

Last week we spent some time thinking about the lives of children who were employed as chimney sweeps, children of your age who had a very difficult existence. Today we’re going to consider the lives of children from wealthy families.

Listen to the drama on Emily’s life, part 1 from BBC School Radio

Next complete the worksheet attached below. You’ll need to read all the points and then decide where they belong on the Venn diagram.

The Victorians Lives of the Rich and Poor

February 1, 2021
by gw10gribbenlynn@glow

Health & Wellbeing for Tuesday

For the last few weeks we have been working through what we understand Mindfulness to be and we’ll continue that today with you thinking about the strategies you can use to be mindful.

When you are completing the page on strategies, remember all the things we would do when taking part in the JustMe mindful moments. I’ve included the link for a JustMe meditation and then the worksheet about strategies.

Mindfulness Strategies

Now as it is Children’s Mental Health week I have attached a PowerPoint below along with a calendar of ideas of how you could ‘express yourself’, all will be explained in the PowerPoint. 🙂

Express Yourself PowerPoint

Express Yourself Calendar


January 31, 2021
by gw10gribbenlynn@glow

Word of the Day for Monday

Good morning boys and girls, I hope this Monday finds you well? The word to register for online learning today is abracadabra, now why would I have chosen that word do you think?

Just a reminder that Mr McCloskey will be hosting an assembly this morning at 11am on Teams.

Do you remember that Mr McCloskey set you all a task at assembly last week? You were asked to think about something cool you had spotted while out walking.

This week marks Child Mental Health Week, something that we’ll think about tomorrow again but if possible could you watch this short clip from Newsround on the topic.

Due to the mid-term next week, we’ll spend some time this week thinking about the Chinese New Year. Your first task is to watch this short clip from Newsround.



January 31, 2021
by gw10gribbenlynn@glow

Maths for Monday

  1. I have set a quiz on Sumdog for you to complete today, this will involve the four operations.
  2. For the next part in the work on Money, you’ll be thinking about currency. Read the detail included in the Powerpoint Understanding Money Around the World then complete this activity, you’ll need to click on the weblink for the challenge itself then record your thoughts in a similar layout to the activity sheet.
  3. Currency Challenge Activity Sheet.
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