Mrs. Baxter and Mrs. Gribben's P6 Homework Page

Just another – North Lanarkshire site

February 21, 2021
by gw10gribbenlynn@glow

Art for Monday

Today sees the start of Fairtrade Fortnight so there are two parts to the art today.

  1. Try to collect as many wrappers as you can from any Fairtrade products that you have at home, we’ll need these for the task next Monday.
  2. For today give this idea a go, if you able to, post your work to the blog and I’ll create a gallery. FairTrade Art.

February 21, 2021
by gw10gribbenlynn@glow

R.E. for Monday

Click on the link for the children’s liturgy for the first Sunday of Lent.

Here is the second installment of your Confirmation workbook.

Confirmation School-Home 2

This week you’ll be thinking about Saints, the PowerPoint and link below should prove worthwhile.

Confirmation – Called to be Saints

February 21, 2021
by gw10gribbenlynn@glow

P.E. for Monday

Now as you know Mr McCloskey is encouraging us all to be more active and to get fit in February, there will be more information about a 5K challenge that Mr McCloskey is keen for us to have a go at at assembly this morning so try to tune in at 11am on Teams.

For our class P.E. today I have given you the choice between two activities. I think the weather is to be reasonable today so you may wish to go a bike ride or run or play outside instead and to keep the options below for a rainy day indoors.

Boot Camp P.E.

Tabata P.E.

February 18, 2021
by Mrs Baxter

Friday Word of the Day

Good morning Primary 7. You have just about made it through another week of home learning so well done.

Today’s word will tell you how I feel about all the work I have seen so far this week.



If you haven’t completed the survey Mrs Gribben posted earlier in the week please try to do so. There is also one for your parents to complete.

This is the survey for you

This is the survey for your parents/ carers



We are also still looking for people to lead some prayer services over the next few weeks. So far I have only had 1 volunteer so have a think and let me know.

February 18, 2021
by Mrs Baxter

Friday Catch up

Remember we are having an extra catch up today at 11am. You will be able to join the meeting in the usual way.

We can discuss any of today’s work, chat about how your week has been, what you like and don’t like. Anything at all really. If you can’t make it don’t worry but it would be lovely to see you there. Bring a snack and a drink if you like.

February 18, 2021
by Mrs Baxter

Friday Maths- Nando’s Challenge

This is a different chilli challenge than we usually do but a chilli challenge none the less.

I am going to post 3 sets of questions relating to the Nando’s menu- which I will also post.

You should decide which set of questions to try, remember to challenge yourself. Some of you may wish to try more than one set of questions.

I will post the answers to each set this afternoon. I would encourage you to self assess your work before  you send it to me.


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