Category Archives: Literacy

Theresa Breslin visits KOS!

On Friday 23 March, we were very lucky to have a visit from excellent author, Theresa Breslin. P5, 6 and 7 took part in a talk with Theresa who spoke about her books, where she got her inspiration from and gave tips for writing interesting stories. It was a brilliant afternoon. Please leave your comments below to tell everyone what you thought of the visit. Here are some pictures –

King of the Cloud Forests

My book is the King of the Cloud Forests and its all about a Girl and China and Japan.

Japan attacked China and Uncle Sung and the Girl ran to survive,but they come accross yetis and Uncle Sung and the Girl were worried but the yetis welcomed them later.

Uncle Sung and the Girl felt okay. The Yetis speak a  bit differnet like food is voo, water was waa, milk was mil or milmil, i love this book and i recomend it to all people in the class. Try the book its amazing!

Long Way Home

Recently I have been reading the last chapter in my book. The book is very exciting you don’t know what is going to happen. I am nearly finished the book and I will miss it because it was one of those books that just sucks you in to read on.

Review on Long Way Home

There is a lttle boy called George and he lives in a home. His care worker Mrs Thomas is trying really hard to get him a family. There was a family that lived on a farm that George went to stay with. When they arrived Mr and Mrs Dyer were waiting at the front door along with a child called Tom. Whilst Mr and Mrs Dyer were talking to Mrs Thomas George walked along to see Tom. Tom wasn’t sure about George but they walked in the front door and waited on George’s new mum and dad. When George was settled in they ll had tea together with an extra child called Storme. They all had a lovely dinner then had a hot cup of tea. After their cup of tea they went to bed. In the middle of the night Georgewas wakend by Tom. Tosaid “quickly you have to come outside and help me” so they both rushed outside. When they got outside the cow field was floded but there was one cow missing called jimiama. It was stranded on a tiny peice of grass sorounded by water. George and Tom leaped onto the island and pushed the cow off the island and onto the grass. All the cows were safe and then they went back to bed. The next morning George and Tom got to work on milking the cows. That night Storme and George went to the Moore and tried to reach the stone of life. half way Storme had sliped and hurt her ankle really bad, George had to carry Storme alot of the way then they camped out and fell asleep. during the night Tom and Mr Dyer were worried so the set off to find them. They aventually found them and took them home. Mrs Dyer had damaged her back and got took to the hospital. Mr Dyer called Mrs Thomas to take George back. In half an hour George was in the car and on his way home. He got home and went to sleep. He woke up during the night and snuck out and headed back to the farm. He walked for miles before hitching a ride off the police he was asked a bunch of questions then they reached the hospital that Mrs Dyer was stored in but when he walked visiting time was over so he headed on to the farm. he finnaly got there and he was the happiest boy on Earth.

Asylum Seekers Research

By Lewis

Refugees and asylum seekers

According to the 1951 Convention and Protocol Relating to the Status of Refugees  a refugee is a person who: ‘owing to a well-founded fear of being persecuted for reasons of race, religion, nationality, membership of a particular social group, or political opinion, is outside the country of his nationality, and is unable to or, owing to such fear, is unwilling to avail himself of the protection of that country’.

An asylum seeker is someone who has applied to the government to be recognised as a refugee. In Scotland most asylum seekers today are from Peoples Republic of China, Iran, Nigeria and Iraq. Many countries from which asylum seekers come are recognised by Amnesty International  to have chronic human rights abuses or conflicts.

Asylum seekers are from all sections of society. Many are skilled professionals: teachers, doctors, engineers and journalists who had good jobs in their own country.

Since the introduction of the 1999 Asylum and Immigration Act, it is estimated that 9,000 asylum seekers have been dispersed to Glasgow.

Studies have shown that asylum seekers in the UK are the most likely of the non-white population to encounter hostility. A poll in June 2002 found that 24% of Scots thought that it was justifiable to verbally attack asylum seekers who receive housing and benefits in Scotland.

The First Asylum Seeker in Scotland
Seven years ago, the first asylum seekers arrived in Scotland after fleeing their homelandsGangs target asylum seekers
But it seems they still have a long way to go before they can claim to have escaped persecution in this country.

A rising tide of youth disorder targeted at asylum seekers and their families takes place against a backdrop where 60% of the asylum seekers granted permission to stay in Glasgow by the Home Office subsequently leave the city, according to the Scottish Executive.

Despite the valiant efforts of community groups and volunteers, many refugees feel far from welcome, let alone assimilated into the wider society.

Racist incidents within the Strathclyde Police area have soared from 968 six years ago to more than 1,500 in 2006 and 2007.

What Is a Refugee?
A refugee is a person who is outside their country of origin or habitual residence because they have suffered persecution or for personal reasons on account of race, religion, nationality, political opinion, or because they are a member of a persecuted ‘social group’. Such a person may be referred to as an ‘asylum seeker’ until recognised by the state where she makes her claim.

I Hope You Enjoyed!
Today you have learned what an asylum seeker is! And about the first asylum seeker in Scotland

Holly’s Bulgaria Project


Facts about Bulgaria

The Capital of Bulgaria is Sofia. The Languages spoke in Bulgaria are manly:



And Roma

Religions in Bulgaria are manly:

Bulgarian Orthodox


And Christian

This is the Bulgarian flag:

The national flag of Bulgaria consists of three horizontal stripes: white, green and red. White symbolizes peace, green symbolizes the emergence of Bulgaria as an agricultural nation, and red symbolizes bravery.

The capital and largest city in Bulgaria is called Sofia. There are 1.2 million people living in Sofia. Sofia is located at the foot of mount Vitosha and approximately at the centre of the Balkan Peninsula.

Bulgarian Cuisine

Bulgaria has lots of different food I have tasted some of them but I can only remember two of witch i tasted they are Tarator and a Bulgarian Kebab. Torator is a cold soup made of yoghurt and cucumber when I tried it I wasn’t impressed it was not for me but when I tasted the kebab I fell in love with it. It was so nice.

Traditional clothing

In Bulgaria they have a very Traditional dress called a Folk dress. A Bulgarian folk dress consists of trousers, shirts, and a vests for men, dresses and aprons for women. The aprons, dresses , and shirts are usually embroidered in regional colours and folk motifs. Red features heavily in Bulgarian folk dress, but black, green, and white are also a part of traditional clothing from Bulgaria’s various regions.

This is a photo of a folk.

Bulgarian Orthodox church

Bulgaria has many examples of Byzantine churches that attest to Bulgaria’s long relationship with Eastern orthodoxy. While Bulgaria has spiritual influences from Islam, other religions, and ancient pagan mysticism, many Bulgarians are deeply devout followers of the orthodox faith. Rila Monastery is a part of the Bulgarian orthodox.

Bulgarian Baba Marta

The day of Baba Marta ( Grandmother March) falls on the first of the month. On or before Baba Marta, Bulgarian people give each other martenitsa, or martenka, which are red and white tessels sold in shops and on the street or may be handmade. The colours of the martenitsa, whose symbolism comes from an old Bulgarian tale, represent blood and snow. Bulgarians are supposed to attach the martenitsa to their persons of clothing. Traditionally, the martenitsa were not removed until the first stork returned from migration to ensure prosperity and good health, but today this rule is bent or ignored with respect to modern times.

Easter in Bulgaria

Easter in Bulgaria in a strongly celebrated holiday. Red, the predominant colour of Bulgarian ester eggs, is part of pagan mysticism that pervades Bulgarian culture even today. Red Ester eggs are baked into an Easter loaf, may be blessed at the church, or may be cracked against each other to see who will be most successful, healthy, or happy during the following year. These Easter eggs have been decorated with Orthodox designs and symbols and differ from polish Easter eggs.

I will add my pictures in later as they wouldn’t copy and paste into the blog!

Seekers bears

Kallik is: A young polar bear that lives in the wild. Kallik watches her mum perish and is then is separated from her brother as the ice melts beneath her paws.

Toklo is: A brown grizzly bear that lives in the wild and is abandoned by his mum. Toklo must learn how to fend for himself and how to catch pray and shelter.

Lusa is: A small black bear that leaves her family behind by ascaping the zoo where she used to live. Lusa has always called home since she left them behind.

All three bears are faced with fiercely territorial bears, killer whales, starvation and the biggest danger humans.

Divided City Creative Writing Competition

We have been asked to take part in a creative writing competition which involves writing four more sentences to continue the story after the end of chapter one of of Divided City.

The first prize is 4 tickets to see a performance of Divided City at the Citizens Theatre in Glasgow in February. Runner up prizes are a signed copy of the book and everyone that enters will receive a signed bookmark. Please take a look below to view our entries: