Today Gerry come into our school to tell us stories that he created.They were funny and we were all laughing. We all enjoyed the stories and can’t wait until he comes back! When Gerry tells us a story he sometimes uses a guitar.
Category Archives: Health and Wellbeing
Quarry Talk
On the 8th of May we had people come to our school from our near by quarry and our local police officers. They were telling us about the health and safety rules. We were also told that ten people in London were killed from the lorrys but it is not the drivers fault, when someone walks by or cycles by the driver the driver cannot see them. We were allowed in the lorry to see what the driver can see. There is an little computer showing the vehicles behind the lorry and it was cool. When we were in the lorry we were shown all the sorounding objects in the cab.
Today primary 5,6 and 7 got to watch a play by kickstart. Kickstart are a team of three performers who demonstrate bad chooses you mack when upon want to be cool like starting fires and cyber bulling .
Fire service play for primary 5 to 7!
Today a acting group called kickstart and it was great! They did the play first and a characher made some bad choices and the second time they let us put things right the characters are called Amy , Geoff and the character we replaced was called Steve! I love this it was funny and loved it!
Play service for p5,6,and 7
Today a acting group came to our school and acted a play for us about firs and how it is not safe to light one and join a group and how you should phone the police if this happens and that even just watching you would still get charge.
Then a fire fighter
Kickstart Play
Kickstart Play
Today kickstart came into our school to show room4 and room3 a play about making the right choices! I really enjoyed the play it was hilarious. I have learned a lot about making the right choices and am sure that I now will.
Nil by mouth Workshop
On the 15 Febuary, P7 took part in a workshop about challenging sectarianism which was run by the charity Nil by Mouth. We had a full afternoon of discussion and we had activities where we had to decide which behaviours are acceptable, unacceptable or if we weren’t sure. Everyone worked in groups to make the decisions. Yvonne who ran the workshop was really impressed by how much we already knew.
We got a lovely email from Yvonne who ran the workshop –