
There are two aspects of the languages area of the curriculum.
The first covers experiences and outcomes in the language a young person needs in order to engage fully in society and in learning – whether that is English, Gaelic or, for young people who need additional support, the means of communication which enables them to communicate most effectively.
The second covers experiences and outcomes in additional languages.

Language is at the core of thinking.
We reflect, communicate and develop our ideas through language.
Literacy offers an essential passport to learning, helping children and young people to achieve to the full and be ready for active involvement in society and work.
Literature opens up new horizons, and a love of reading can be an important starting point for lifelong learning.
As we communicate increasingly through digital technologies, we need to be able to interpret and convey information in new ways and to apply discernment.
Scotland has a rich diversity of language, including Scots and the growing number of community languages such as Urdu, Punjabi and Polish.
This diversity offers rich opportunities for learning. Learning other languages enables children and young people to make connections with different people and their cultures and to play a fuller part as global citizens.

Learning through the languages area of the curriculum enables children and young people to:
develop their ability to communicate their thoughts and feelings and respond to those of other people
develop the high level of skills in listening, talking, reading and writing which are essential for learning, work and life
use different media effectively for learning and communication
develop a secure understanding of how language works, and use language well to communicate ideas and information in English and other languages
exercise their intellectual curiosity by questioning and developing their understanding, and use creative and critical thinking to synthesise ideas and arguments
enhance their enjoyment and their understanding of their own and other cultures though literature and other forms of language
develop competence in different languages so that they can understand and communicate including, for some, in work settings.