
Our German Visitor


Juri is the German Classroom Assistant at Chryston High School and we were delighted to welcome him to Glenmanor recently.

He asked us lots of questions  and we had great fun replying to him in our best German. We practised our greetings, colours and talking about ourselves.  We sang several songs to him and he said  hearing us singing Stille Nacht(Silent Night) was very moving.

We also learned a lot about the geography of Germany and its neighbours. We can say all the regions, towns and cities in German. Mrs Charles has now mastered saying the Czech Republic and we are delighted for her!!!.

We are looking forward to Juri’s next visit.



Glenmanor Forest School

An information session  was held for nursery parents on September 23rd.  Parents had the opportunity to find out about the learning experiences that can be provided when the children visit the forest.  Parents were then invited to accompany their child on a walk to the site of our forest school and to assess the suitability of the forest environment.  The feedback from parents was very positive and we look forward to beginning our forest school sessions with our pre-school children very soon.

P2/3 Action for Eco

P2/3 carried out a litter pick after playtime on Friday 19 June for Glenmanor’s Eco Day of Action.  They worked in trios using gloves and a litter picker to collect the litter.  The Janitor thought there wasn’t much litter to be found but P2/3 searched high and low and found a whole carrier bag full!  Well done boys and girls!  Here are some photographs.

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P2/3 in the Learning Kitchen

P2/3 shared their ideas for their favourite sandwich.  You will not be surprised to hear that ‘chocolate spread’ was very popular!  As we are a Health Promoting School though, pupils came up with alternatives such as banana sandwiches, jam, ham and cheese.  Everyone had to spread and/or cut their ingredients and then enjoy eating them.   On our second visit to the Learning Kitchen last week, a number of pupils decided to be ‘extra healthy’ and add some salad to their sandwiches.  Please have a look at the photograph gallery below.  Someone has been very adventurous and made a jam and banana sandwich with tomatoes!  Can you see who it is?

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P2/3 Rainbow Salad

P2/3 were in the Learning Kitchen this week and enjoyed working with the colourful vegetables that can be used in a salad.  They used a cutting technique called ‘the claw’ to help them cut their vegetables safely.  As well as learning to cut safely, this experience gave children the opportunity to taste the different vegetables.  To make this fun, each child made their own colourful, rainbow salad face and then with a little mayo, they started to crunch away.  If you like eating nachos and dipping them into salsa, why don’t you add a few crunchy vegetables to dip?

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