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P4/5 Poets

We have been looking at poetry this week in literacy. We have learned about the different features of poetry and tried to use some of them when writing our own poems.

We used repetition when writing about what was in the ‘Magic Purse’ and we used metaphors and similes to create poems about emotions.

Next week we will look at onomatopoeia and alliteration!

Burns Supper in P4/5!

We have been learning all about Scotland and famous Scots, so today we had our very own Burns Supper! We made, from scratch, Haggis, neeps and tatties. The children did a fantastic job peeling and cutting the vegetables and thoroughly enjoyed their haggis, washed down with a glass of Irn Bru.

To a Mouse, By Robert Burns

Today, Primary 4 celebrated the life of Robert Burns by learning to recite two verses of his famous poem, “To a Mouse” off by heart.

The children added fabulous expression to their voices and afterwards, completed a Metalinguistics task investigating some old Scottish words such as ‘sleekit.’

Great enthusiasm P4!