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P4-7 World Book Day Fun

We have all had great fun today carrying out activities for World Book Day. We kick started the day with a character parade and book quiz in the hall.  Well done to the house winners, Aberdeen!

And the the winners of best dressed are …….


Well done to everyone who took part, remember to go and use your £1 book token to get a new book!


P6 Open Morning

Primary six pupils were delighted to welcome parents and grandparents into our classroom on Friday morning.  Pupils have been learning about the scientific understanding of the Earth’s evolution.  As part of this topic we looked at natural disasters including volcanic eruptions.  Pupils carried out a practical investigation to find out which elements would react together to re-create a volcanic eruption.  We mixed bicarbonate of soda with vinegar (and a little red chalk to represent the colour of lava).

Happy Homework Club.

Today in homework club with p5 we were doing a lot of work. We  were reading, practising  our words and lots of other things with Miss Gillespie and Miss Riach. All of the other children are enjoying it to . We have 2 teachers that take the homework club. In maths we get to use ipads for our homework. We also use the ipads for probability fair online games .We have also been using  the ipads to time each other with our times tables. In homework club we work very hard and are good at writing.

By Keira


Towering Technology in p6/7

As part of our topic on natural disasters p6/7 have been learning about earthquakes.  We looked at some of the different ways in which buildings can be designed to sustain an earthquake with minimum damage.  We then used this knowledge to create our own ‘earthquake proof’ towers using spaghetti and marshmallows.  File 16-02-2016, 15 29 30 File 16-02-2016, 15 29 59 File 16-02-2016, 15 30 46 File 16-02-2016, 15 31 22 File 16-02-2016, 15 32 15