Category Archives: Social Studies

P6 Braw Burns Night!

A massive well done to all P6 children for holding an excellent Burns Supper! Your hard work paid off and you all delivered your speeches, poems and songs clearly, confidently and with great expression.

If any family members have more pictures/videos, please email them into the school, we’d love to share them!


Robert Burns ‘brought to life’

Check out this new 3D animation of Robert Burns reciting one of his own famous poems.

The animation was made using a cast from his own skull!

Check it out Primary 6’s, and get practising your parts for next week’s Burns Supper!

Remembrance Service 2017

Primary 5/6, 6/7 and 7 shared with us the importance of Remembrance Day at our whole school service this morning. Well done to the confident readers who read facts and poems clearly and sang songs enthusiastically and to all children for showing respect during the minutes silence. Thanks also to the Reverend Mark McKeown for joining us and sharing with us some words about Sacrifice.