Category Archives: Sciences

P2 Super Silhouettes!

P2 are learning about “Light and Shadows” as part of their Weather topic. We made silhouette profiles of ourselves on the SmartBoard using our own shadows. We learned that an object that light cannot pass through is called “Opaque” and these objects will make a dark shadow.

Can you guess the children below from their shadow silhouetttes?

We practiced drawing profiles of our partner on a whiteboard. It was a challenge!

P2 Brain “Storming” Challenge

The boys and girls in Primary 2 got their brains thinking today by taking part in a challenge called “Name the Storm.”

The children found out that each storm is named after a boy, then a girl’s name and so on. The storm today is called “Storm Henry” so P2 created their own storm names for the next few letters in the alphabet.

What do you think the next storm will be called? It will begin with the letter ‘I’ and it has to be a girl’s name this time!

Let us know your ideas through a blog comment!

P2 Water Cycle Wind Socks

In P2, we consolidated our learning about the Water Cycle by creating some lovely wind sock decorations to blow in the breeze. The wind socks have a diagram of the Water Cycle on it. We had to write on the vocabulary that we learned.

“I know Precipitation means rain” – Stephanie Gibb.

“I learned that some of the water goes underground and other water makes its way back to the sea” – Chloe McGiff.



P2 and the Water Cycle

P2 have been exploring the different stages of the Water Cycle. They learned that “Precipitation” is the fancy word for rain, and that “Evaporation” is when water turns from a liquid into a gas to become a cloud. We are looking forward to finding out more about this process this week!

We used the interactive smartboard to find out more about the Water Cycle.

We completed our own Water Cycle diagrams and tested ourselves on what each stage is called.


Primary 4 – Wonderful Weather

We have been working extremely hard today on researching various types of extreme weather in the world.  We worked in our co-op learning groups to research storms, hurricanes, tornadoes, tsunamis and lightning.  Did you know that tornadoes can reach up to speeds of 483 kilometres per hour?  Did you also know that thunder and lightning happen at the same time, but because light travels faster than sound, we see lightning before we hear the thunder?


p6/7 inspired by rocket launch this week

P6/7 were excited to watch  live coverage of the first British astronaut, Tim Peake’s blast off to the International Space Station this week.  Tim and his team will be spending six months in space conducting scientific experiments and educational projects.  We used the launch as inspiration for our story writing, creating planet settings and alien characters.
