Category Archives: * Responsible citizen

Fairtrade Banana Muffins – Primary 4

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Our class were in the cooking room on Tuesday and we had great fun making our Fairtrade banana muffins.  The ingredients were bought from the local Co-op and were all Fairtrade products.  The ingredients were plain flour, butter, eggs, bicarbonate of soda, baking powder and bananas.  We worked well in our groups to mix the ingredients together and spoon the mixture into the paper cases.  We had to wait half and hour until they were ready but it was worth the wait.  They were absolutely delicious!





P2/3 Internet Safety

P2/3 have been  learning about Internet Safety through a variety of media and activities. Firstly they used the smart board to  listen to a story, which was then followed by a class discussion.  Then they reinforced their learning with art, drama, music and writing activities using the class iPads. They have learned lots of top tips to stay safe while surfing the net.

Are you a litterbug?

P1a are learning all about litter and recycling! We are bringing about positive change  by doing some litter picking and by encouraging people to take care of their environment.  We are going to make persuasive posters to encourage all pupils to put litter in the bin.  We also learned a song about litter and we are looking forward to recording this song and uploading it to our blog!

P2 and the age of Internet Safety

Primary 2 are finishing off their research topic about the years 2000-2015. We learned that the internet has changed alot over the past 15 years and we need to be clued up on our Internet Safety knowledge!

The boys and girls watched a great cartoon to explain Internet Safety on the smartboard, learned some top tips for surfing the web safely, and created their own advice videos on the i-pads for other children to watch and use.