Category Archives: * Responsible citizen

Eco Committee

During the last few weeks, the newly formed Eco Committee have been working hard during Leadership Academy to begin our journey towards achieving Eco School status. We began by carrying out an ‘Environmental Review’ in order to identify the needs of our school. Some of the older children created our new Eco Logo and incorporated the school badge into it. Stay tuned for some pictures of our committee tomorrow!

Our Eco Logo, formed by senior members of the Eco Committee.

Earth Hour 2017

Last week, Primary 4 were hard at work researching “Earth Hour.” We used ‘i-Movie’ on the i-pads to create our own news reports to raise awareness of climate change.

Did you take part in Earth Hour on Saturday the 25th March 2017?

Here are some of our Confident Individuals explaining what Earth Hour is and how you can make a positive change to our world.

Primary 5/6 with great cooking skills

Primary 5/6 have had a great week making 3 different dishes for each of them to enjoy.   On Monday it was macaroni cheese and some pupils were not too keen to make this as it had lots of cheese!   Tuesday was far more popular as we made pancakes in order to support their learning of Shrove Tuesday.   Needless to say, the option of the toppings made it all that little bit better.

Today, we got to further develop the skills of reading a recipe, cutting, grating, frying, shaping, timing and reducing a sauce.   It was great to see the pupils working together and working through each process.   A great week and we are all looking forward to our next block of cooking.

Well done P5/6!!