Category Archives: Primary 5

Pupils from Our School Choir Perform for Sense Scotland 23 November 2015

Pupils from our school choir excelled themselves at a concert in aid of Sense Scotlnd on Monday night. The concert venue was the beautiful Glasgow City Chambers and the pupils sang beautifully to an audience that included many Glenmanor parents and family members. Thank you for your fantastic support as always. We sold 59 of the allocated 60 tickets, making £501.50 for the charity.


Evacuee Letters

Primary 5 enjoyed writing letters as though they were an evacuee during World War II. The children used their learning from our Rememberance Day mini topic to write their letters. We tea stained some paper to make it look older and wrote our letters including information about; the journey to rural areas, what happened once we had arrived, what our billet families were like and jobs we did to help our families. Here are some sentences from the children’s work. Well done, all your letters are fantastic!

Cameron wrote- ‘When we arrived at the town hall we all got lined up. I was the last one to be picked.’

Chloe wrote- ‘The train journey was awful and I felt sick. My head was aching. I tried to get to the toilet but I couldn’t because the train was so crowded.’

Callum wrote- ‘I was so sad to go away from you and dad but it is so fun seeing a lot of strange things and funny animals. There is also a lot of land and grass.’

Taylor wrote- ‘The chickens escaped and I had to chase them. After that, we picked berries to make a pie that was yummy.’

P5 Dry Brush Lesson

P5 learnt a new technique in art today called dry brushing. Dry brushing is when you don’t use a wet paint brush or lots of paint. We used red, orange, yellow, blue and white paint to make a beautiful picture. The picture was of an autumn sunset that Miss Gillespie took out of her window. We copied the picture that Miss Gillespie took and this will be an art project for the next few weeks.

Written by Chloe, Erin, Kayley and Erin M

Christmas Carol Service Sneak Peek!

The boys and girls in the junior and senior choirs have been hard at work practising for a very special Christmas Carol Service. Here is a sneak peek of the P4-7 choir singing a song called, “Tonight!”

Remembrance Day

Primary 5 enjoyed working in groups to draw a poppy and fill it with written information about Remembrance Day. They already knew lots of facts and enjoyed sharing personal stories of the war. Our class iPads helped us to research different facts. We are looking forward to beginning our research about evacuees in the war as part of our Remembrance Day topic.

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It’s Magic with Izak9

Our Magic Square is MAGIC1
Our Magic Square is MAGIC!
1-2-3 Addition Stepping
1-2-3 Addition Stepping

Primary 5 had great fun using our latest resource in Mathematics, Izak9. Our challenge was to use the digits 1-9 to make a Magic Square. In a Magic Square all the rows, columns and diagonals have the same total. We had to work co-operatively to work out the answer in our teams. We were all very proud of our hard work and delighted to be able to produce a solution.

We also tried making Addition Steps. The total of each column had to be the sam even with the different number of steps. We managed to produce several different solutions in our teams.

Why not try some Magic Cubes, or Addition Stepping yourself. You can do them on paper, or use some of the interactive sites available.