Category Archives: Nursery

Fun Halloween Activities !

This years Halloween celebration was another great success with the children in the nursery enjoying participating in a range of activities. They learnt silly songs and rhymes and they did a great job decorating bats and making ” footprints” to produce spooky ghosts ! The children had the opportunity to dress up if they wished to join their friends at the party. Everyone had a fantastic time dancing , playing games and “dooking for apples”.

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Fantastic Painters !

The boys and girls in the nursery have been so busy , at the creative table  making fantastic woodland paintings with Little Red Riding Hood and the Big Bad Wolf ! The children were expressing their thoughts and feelings about the furry character from the story. The fantastic pictures are now displayed in the nursery cloakroom for everyone to see ! Well done boys and girls !! img_4255 img_4257 img_4259 img_4261 img_4264

Being Little Detectives

This week in the nursery the boys and girls were being little “Detectives” and were encouraged to approach their friends and teachers to find out if ” Anyone had seen the Big Bad Wolf ? / Where was he / What did he look like ?” . They have been developing their mark making and writing skills by recording everyones response. The children were then able to make lovely detailed drawings of the sneaky fella !!

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Voting Day !

In nursery last week , the boys and girls had the opportunity to listen to three stories:” The elves and the shoemaker /Little Red Riding Hood and The Gigantic Turnip”. At the end of the session they had the opportunity to vote for their favourite story by placing a token into one of the boxes.

The winner was ………”Little Red Riding Hood” . The boys and girls are very excited to learn all about this traditional tale and participate in all the fantastic activities planned for this topic.

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