We have been practising our subtraction with exchange in class. For homework this week have a go at these questions, write the answers in your homework jotter!
Subtraction with exchange – Squares and Triangles
We have been practising our subtraction with exchange in class. For homework this week have a go at these questions, write the answers in your homework jotter!
Subtraction with exchange – Squares and Triangles
Today in Maths P3 were learning about Grid References. The children enjoyed playing an active maths game on the smartboard and afterwards each group completed a follow up task. Primary 3 were superstars today!
P1 had fun exploring the number 14. I think the foam station was a favourite today!
This week we will be looking at Subtraction. Have a go at some of these subtraction games to help develop your mental maths.
We have been working on adding mentally this week. Are you up for a challenge P4/5? Click on the link below to have a go at a mental maths activity.
P2 have been working hard this week to learn how to round numbers to the nearest 10. They used a magic strategy to help them:
-Look at the number and decide what TENS digits it is between. For example 63 is between 60 and 70.
-Look at the UNITS in the digit.
-If the units are 5, 6, 7, 8 or 9 then ROUND UP.
-If the units are 1, 2, 3 or 4 then ROUND DOWN.This clever cookie had a go at a “Dartboard Rounding” game on the Smarboard.
We also played a rounding game on the I-pads to help us practise!
Primary 5 have been working very hard during their first week back. They have been learning to convert times between 12 hour time and 24 hour time. We are now experts at reading and writing analogue and digital time! We have also been working in partners assessing each other’s learning. Well done P5 on being successful learners. Keep up the hard work!
P1a worker hard in all curricular areas today but they worked especially hard in literacy and maths. They are also learning to give relevant feedback during peer assessment. I am very pleased with your effort and attitude towards learning.
Primary 5 had a fun first day back as they used the school’s new IZAK 9 resource for maths. The class were split into teams and had to solve challenging tasks working as a group. Primary 5 enjoyed the challenge and we can’t wait to use IZAK 9 more in class!
Click on the numbers to 20 in the correct sequence to create a picture. If your child is looking for more challenge or support then there is a 1 – 10 and a 1 – 30 option. Enjoy!