Play the sequencing from 1 to 10 game.
Category Archives: Numeracy and Maths
Helping Little Red Riding Hood
The boys and girls in the nursery have been spending time at the challenge table to help Little Red Riding Hood to get from her house to Granny’s house.They enjoyed using the coloured cubes to create a path, which encouraged the children to identify colours and use number to count.
Counting in P1
P1 worked hard on developing their counting skills. I was very impressed with how accurately you counted. Well done.
Greater Than > and Less Than <
Primary 4 have been learning how to use the “greater than” and “less than” symbols to create number sentences that make sense.
Why don’t you try the following ;
Keeping Busy
The boys and girls in the nursery have been keeping busy during free play ,on their own and with their friends , to develop their pencil control and problem solving skills when completing large floor jigsaws. The children are becoming more confident at receiting nursery rhymes. Great work !
Counting Activities
This morning P1 completed some active and written counting tasks. They worked so hard and did a great job.
This Weeks Challenge
This week in nursery the maths challenge is ……”Can you draw a spider with 4 legs at each side and then count how many legs altogether”. Well done boys and girls ….lovely drawings and counting out loud !
Primary 3 -Guess My Number
We had great fun today playing some active maths games. We really enjoyed ‘Guess My Number’ game. Mrs McDaid wrote a 3 digit number on a piece of paper and taped it onto another pupil’s back. Then the person with the number had to walk around the classroom and ask for clues to help them to guess the number, for example is my number larger than 500, are any of the digits the same, etc. it was quite tricky as the rest of the class were only allowed to answer yes or no. The children enjoyed it so much they are planning to do it as a homework task.
Discovering The Apple and Plum Trees.
The boys and girls in the nursery have been exploring the school garden and they have been learning where fruit and vegetables grow. They have also been learning about amounts by counting and looking at size. They can confidently sort and categorise the different types of fruits and vegetables. How clever are they !!
P4 Place Value Pyramids!
We had a go at building pyramids in maths today by solving the Hundreds, Tens and Units word problems! Did you know 435 is really; 4 hundreds, 3 tens and 5 units?