Category Archives: Languages and Literacy

Cool Characters

Primary 5 have been working hard this week to finish reading their novels. In pairs, the children were asked to summarise their novel thinking about what happened in the beginning, the middle and at the end. They then chose a character from the novel to draw on a big poster. Children then wrote their summaries on the back of their super drawings and they are now hanging from our ceiling for everyone to read. Well done for working so hard as a team!



P5 have been learning about 3D shapes. We have found some unusual shapes. We made 3D shapes from nets which is how they look when they are folded out.


In literacy we made up some questions about our novels for a partner. We swapped with our partner to answer their questions and then we had to mark their answers against our success criteria. Our success criteria was: to write our answers in full sentences, to use information from our book to answer the questions and to write the page number of where we found the information.

Written by Callum, Kayley and Erin M

Primary 4 – Talking and Listening

The Authors reading group have recently finished their group novel, The Best Dog in the World by Sylvia Green.  The children had to present a talk to the rest of the class about their special dog.  Each pupil or pair had to make sure that they included a detailed description of what their dog looked like, the breed or type of dog it was, how their dog behaved and why it was so special to them.  When presenting their information, the children had to make sure that they made good eye contact with their audience, their voice was loud and clear enough for their audience to hear and the content o.f their talk was both interesting and informative.  The audience also had an important job to do as they were assessing the presentations by recording what was interesting, how the readers  caught their attention and advice about how to make any improvements.  Well done Primary 4.


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Burns Competition at Glenmanor

o-ROBERT-BURNS-facebookEach class have been given a Scots poem to learn at home as part of our annual Burns celebrations at Glenmanor Primary.

All children will have the opportunity to recite their poem from memory within their own class and some children will be selected as finalists to perform at a whole-school Burns assembly at the end of the month. There will be a 1st, 2nd and 3rd prize for each class and these children will be awarded with official Robert Burns Federation certificates.

Children should learn their poem off by heart and add suitable expression and actions. Some of the poems are performed by people online on sites such as YouTube and this may assist your child in learning their poem.

The poems are as follows:

P1a/P1b – My Wee Rid Motor, P2/P2/3 – Nessie, P3 – The Sair Finger, P4 – Fireworks aff the Castle, P4/5/P5 – A Chuckie in yer Shoe, P6/P6/7 – Farewell to aw our Scottish Fame, P7 – Lament to the Toothache.

p6/7 inspired by rocket launch this week

P6/7 were excited to watch  live coverage of the first British astronaut, Tim Peake’s blast off to the International Space Station this week.  Tim and his team will be spending six months in space conducting scientific experiments and educational projects.  We used the launch as inspiration for our story writing, creating planet settings and alien characters.
