Category Archives: Health and Wellbeing

We Will Remember Them

Parents, carers and friends of Glenmanor,

We are looking for photos of relatives who you would like to be remembered for their contributions to the wars of the past in our memorial service this year. If you have any photos of these friends or relatives, please ask your child to pass them to Miss O’Neill or simply drop the photo into the school office with your name and number attached so we can take a copy and return the original to you. Their pictures and any facts about them will be included in a Powerpoint presentation during our Remembrance Day assembly. Thanks in advance, Miss O’Neill.


Focus on Food / Fairtrade Group

Today was our first meeting of the Focus on Food / Fairtrade Leadership committee group. We had a group discussion about what we want the group to achieve this year and voted for 3 aims for the year. Some children researched fairtrade snacks for a possible Fairtrade tuckshop while others created a ‘Courgette Loaf Cake’ using produce from our garden in the Learning Kitchen. We can’t wait until our next session!

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