Category Archives: * Effective contributor

P5/6 Designing and building in the garden.

Primary 5/6 were in the garden clearing the vegetable beds and when we were finished, the pupils found garden canes.   They came rushing over to me and asked if they could build a Tipi; this was a house that the pupil’s had been learning about during our Native American topic.

It was great to see the enthusiasm and determination, but also to hear them discuss the design and how they were going to build it.   They tried several ways to keep it up and after a few attempts, they managed to  built  the structure with the correct shape and made the space larger so that they could fit one of them inside.   As you can see from their faces, the team effort paid off.   A very proud teacher and a very creative class: Well Done P5/6!


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Teamwork makes the dream work!

P1 are developing their teamworking skills in PE and in the classroom. They had to take turns to collect jigsaw pieces before completing the jigsaw puzzle as a team. I was so proud of your great effort today! 😀



Teach Your Teacher Day!

The children in Primary 5 have swapped roles with Miss Gillespie today and yesterday as she became a student and they became the teacher! All the children worked in groups to plan a 45 minute lesson. Each group worked well in their teams to think of a topic, write a lesson plan and organise all of their resources. We learnt about different art techniques, cars, South Africa, the Euros and different sports. Miss Gillespie was very impressed with all the aspiring teachers and enjoyed being a pupil for the morning!