Category Archives: Achievements

Focus on Food / Fairtrade Group

Today was our first meeting of the Focus on Food / Fairtrade Leadership committee group. We had a group discussion about what we want the group to achieve this year and voted for 3 aims for the year. Some children researched fairtrade snacks for a possible Fairtrade tuckshop while others created a ‘Courgette Loaf Cake’ using produce from our garden in the Learning Kitchen. We can’t wait until our next session!

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P4 Girls’ Festival

Our first event organised by Active Schools will soon be upon us!  Girls in Primary 4 will be given the opportunity to attend the girls festival on the 15 September where they will have the opportunity to try out a range of sports.  We hope to hold a lunchtime club for the few weeks before the event to help prepare the girls.  Look out for more information in the next couple of weeks.

First Heat of the Great Glen Bake Off

A huge well done to everyone who took part in the first heat of the Great Glen Bake Off. We were extremely impressed with the standard of cooking and the talented bakers we have in school! Well done to all the children in P1-3 who did a super job decorating cakes. Mrs Burke and the Captains tasted all the bakes and had the tough decision of choosing two bakes to put through to the final. Congratulations to Max and Leo who have made it through to the P4-7 final.


P2 Won Class of the Week!

P2 won class of the week this week! This week the focus was good manners. Our class managed to walk respectfully in the corridors, hold the doors for other people, say please and thank you, listen well to the teacher and say good morning and good afternoon. The class received 28 Respect and Collect tokens.

We played lots of games in our class during our extra playtime and we had lots of fun! We hope we win next week too!

Burns Competition at Glenmanor

o-ROBERT-BURNS-facebookEach class have been given a Scots poem to learn at home as part of our annual Burns celebrations at Glenmanor Primary.

All children will have the opportunity to recite their poem from memory within their own class and some children will be selected as finalists to perform at a whole-school Burns assembly at the end of the month. There will be a 1st, 2nd and 3rd prize for each class and these children will be awarded with official Robert Burns Federation certificates.

Children should learn their poem off by heart and add suitable expression and actions. Some of the poems are performed by people online on sites such as YouTube and this may assist your child in learning their poem.

The poems are as follows:

P1a/P1b – My Wee Rid Motor, P2/P2/3 – Nessie, P3 – The Sair Finger, P4 – Fireworks aff the Castle, P4/5/P5 – A Chuckie in yer Shoe, P6/P6/7 – Farewell to aw our Scottish Fame, P7 – Lament to the Toothache.

Glenmanor Has Talent

Today we had our school talent show.  Contestants from P1 to P7 showed off a wide range of talents.  It was a very tight vote with everyone putting in a fabulous performance.  Congratulations to everyone who took part.  The winners were as follows:  Sienna in third place, Arun in second place and our winner Jason.  Thank you to Miss Brunton and the enterprise committee for organising this great event!