All posts by M McDaid

Primary 4 – Traidcraft Snack Attack Challenge 2016

We had great fun working in our groups on the Fairtrade Snack Attack Challenge 2016.  We had to create a new Fairtrade product, design new packaging, write a list of the ingredients, create a logo, write a slogan and finally create a TV advert to promote our product.  The Fairtrade committee will meet after the Easter break to choose the winning entry.  Details will be announced on the blog.

Primary 4 – Expressions and Equations

We have been working really hard on our maths tasks linked to Expressions and Equations.  We have been finding out how to use the symbols for greater than and less than when comparing two numbers.  Some of the children have been learning how to solve  simple equations by working out the value of a letter, such as n or x.  Some examples of these equations:

n +6 = 15  so  n = 9               73 – n = 49 so  n = 24

We also designed our own Expressions and Equations posters to help us to remember the symbols.

Fairtrade Coffee Morning – Sit Down for Breakfast, Stand Up For Farmers

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Mrs McDaid and the Fairtrade committee would like to thank all parents, carers, relatives and friends for attending our Fairtrade coffee morning.  It was a great success.  The children were keen to talk about the work they have been doing in class and how everyone can help farmers to get a fair price for their products.  A special mention to Glenmanor Parent Council for all their support today.  The amount raised will be posted on the Glenmanor Blog as soon as possible and all proceeds will go to the Fairtrade Foundation.




Telling the time with Primary 4

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Over the past few weeks, we have been learning all about time and how important it is to be able to tell the time .  We also identified where we see and use time in our daily lives, such as class timetables, train and bus timetables, Sky TV guide, etc.  We have been playing time games on the smart board, bingo games, using TV guides to work out how long our favourite TV programmes last and creating our own fantasy class timetables.


Open Morning with Primary 4

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Primary 4 welcomed parents, carers, grans, papas and other family members to our school open event last Friday.  We all had a fabulous time telling our visitors interesting facts about rainbows.  Then we used a variety of mixed media, such as tissue paper, crepe paper, felt, fabric and other materials to create our wonderful rainbows.  The adults had as much fun as we did!  Primary 4 would like to say a big thank you to everyone who visited us.



Rainbow Research – Primary 4

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As part of our weather topic, we have been researching how rainbows are formed and finding out other interesting facts.  We also carried out an experiment to create our own rainbow in the classroom, by using a jar of water, a sheet of plain white paper and the power of the sun.  During the Open Day on Friday, we are going to be making our own rainbow collages, using mixed media, such as crepe paper, tissue paper, foil, felt and other materials in all the different colours of the rainbow.

Fairtrade Community Coffee Morning


The Fairtrade  committee and the Parent  Council have organised a Fairtrade community coffee morning on Wednesday the 9th of March at 9.30 am in the school hall. The cost will be £1 and you can pay at the door . All proceeds will go to the Fairtrade Foundation to help farmers and workers get a fair price for their products .  Any donations of home baking will be very much appreciated .     😄😀 

Posted by Jessica and Reilly of the Fairtrade Committee

Fairtrade Banana Muffins – Primary 4

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Our class were in the cooking room on Tuesday and we had great fun making our Fairtrade banana muffins.  The ingredients were bought from the local Co-op and were all Fairtrade products.  The ingredients were plain flour, butter, eggs, bicarbonate of soda, baking powder and bananas.  We worked well in our groups to mix the ingredients together and spoon the mixture into the paper cases.  We had to wait half and hour until they were ready but it was worth the wait.  They were absolutely delicious!