All posts by M McDaid

Primary 3 -Guess My Number

We had great fun today playing some active maths games.  We really enjoyed ‘Guess My Number’ game.  Mrs McDaid wrote a 3 digit number on a piece of paper and taped it onto another pupil’s back.  Then the person with the number had to walk around the classroom and ask for clues to help them to guess the number, for example is my number larger than 500, are any of the digits the same, etc.  it was quite tricky as the rest of the class were only allowed to answer yes or no.  The children enjoyed it so much they are planning to do it as a homework task.

Glenmanor Garden Party – Primary 4

We had a fabulous time celebrating the 50th anniversary of our school.  We had great fun taking part in the scavenger  hunt then had a look at all the wonderful enterprise stalls, including our own.  Then we had some of the delicious cakes and refreshing drinks.  We came back into the hall and worked with our parents, carers and other family members on making our newspaper plant pots.  Once our pots were made, we filled them with compost and sprinkled some seeds into the soil.  A fantastic time was had by all.image image image image image image image image image image image image image

Theme Park Posters

As part of our non-fiction block, we have been finding out about the important features of posters and leaflets,  looking at how organisations persuade and encourage customers to buy their good or services.  We had great fun looking at examples of posters and leaflets produced by theme parks, such as Alton Towers and Thorpe Park and decided to create our own theme park, creating attractive and interesting posters.

Primary 4 Class Cafe

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We have just started our Money topic for maths and have been having great fun ordering food and drink from our Glen’s Cosy Cafe menu, working out the total cost of our food and drink orders and finding the exact notes and coins needed to buy them.  Some of us were using our numeracy  skills and rounded up amounts such as £1.99 and £2.89 to the nearest pound to make our calculations a lot easier, remembering to take off the pennies that we added on to get the correct answer.

Primary 4 – HWB/Mathematics and Numeracy

We had great fun today doing our  P.E.  lessons out in the sunshine.  We have just started our Athletics programme and focused today on different styles of jumps, such as long jump, standing jump and triple jump.  We used our measuring skills to measure our partner’s jumps and recorded them in our maths jotters in metres and centimetres.  Next time, we will estimate how far we can jump, record our jump then compare the two measurements.

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Primary 4 – Language and Literacy

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We have been working really hard on our group novels and reading books.  We have been using a variety of reading strategies to work out the meaning of tricky words and looking at how an author uses inference  to get a message across to the reader.  We had great fun using the Internet to research animals linked to our books, such as wolves (The Last Wolf), African Elephants (Poppet) and owls (The Baby Owls).  Then we created our own fact files, posters and character profiles.