All posts by Mrs Beaton

Towering Technology in p6/7

As part of our topic on natural disasters p6/7 have been learning about earthquakes.  We looked at some of the different ways in which buildings can be designed to sustain an earthquake with minimum damage.  We then used this knowledge to create our own ‘earthquake proof’ towers using spaghetti and marshmallows.  File 16-02-2016, 15 29 30 File 16-02-2016, 15 29 59 File 16-02-2016, 15 30 46 File 16-02-2016, 15 31 22 File 16-02-2016, 15 32 15

p6/7 Jolomo artwork

Primary 6/7 have been studying the artwork of Scottish contemporary artist, John Lowrie Morrison (otherwise known as Jolomo) this week.  He is known for his vibrant landscape paintings of the Scottish west coast.  Here are some of our own attempts to recreate Jolomo’s style…

p6/7 inspired by rocket launch this week

P6/7 were excited to watch  live coverage of the first British astronaut, Tim Peake’s blast off to the International Space Station this week.  Tim and his team will be spending six months in space conducting scientific experiments and educational projects.  We used the launch as inspiration for our story writing, creating planet settings and alien characters.


P6/7 World War 2 mini topic

P6/7 have been learning all about World War 2 as part of a mini topic this term.  Today we were finding out what evacuation was like for children during the war.  Some of the activities we participated in today were making our own gas masks, designing persuasive evacuation posters and keynote presentations to share our knowledge with others.   One group created a short drama scene of evacuees saying their farewells at the train station which we filmed.